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Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
You ain't see nothing
You ain't see nothing
How could you even say that
How could you even say that

There's no one better
There's no one better
How could you even say that
How could you even say that

If I ,could see through your eyes
Well then I, could live a life

You ain't see nothing wrong
With me
There's no one better
than you

Something makes you
Something makes you
Repetitive, but so is thought.
Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
I never said I was - she said
on hitching breath
while two knuckles deep,
can we go three with three

Guttural moan

Against this, so don't - she purred
A lick of fire against my lips
In a moment like this
I want more
Can I at least
for once
just a random thought of being in the moment
Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
"It wasnt the same as they describe it in the books.
Its not like watching a movie and getting teary-eyed because it connected with you in some way, shape or form.

There was a deeper sort of pain, beyond the physical spectrum.
A feeling they don't describe.
It was akin to those weird feelings you get while listening to music.

And Ill tell you this. It wasnt easy to get over.

It didn't go away fast.

It HURT.....

It hurt every **** day."
Trying to somehow capture the feeling of love lost. (Think back to that Twilight New Moon scene where Bella sits in her chair for about a year as the seasons go by. Corny yes, but that was a really good scene.)
Hopeless Outlet Mar 2018
Words, they're stuck and stumbling, from the tip of my tongue
numb lips unfrozen
when your image runs across
My tear stained reddened eyes!
Can I call this love a cancer?
Can I call this love a cancer?

Cuz I breathe in your laughter and smiles like smoke!
And I'd happily smile and choke!
If its the last thing I see, before I croak!
Can I call this love a cancer?

My heart its been so cold!
If I had a dollar for everytime someone told me they loved me, Id be broke!
What makes me so special, an abundance of self-doubt
Can you rip out your eyes and trade with me?
Ive ripped out mine so I could take yours
and see what you say you see
What you seem to believe
you see.....
In me!
Sometimes I like to write my own lyrics to songs, that I listen to.
This one was written a few years ago, while I listened to Dance Gavin Dance's "People you Know."
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