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 May 2015 Sammy Ann
Eliyah Marie
I walk around with my mask on,
each day it grows thicker.
Hiding myself from the world
scared to let them in.
Gradually building up my wall,
Layer by layer,
attempt to block out the pain,
caused by others, from reaching me
but it doesn't work
each day the strength of that
old brick wall is tested and tried
as memories of your words slam
against the fragile structure.
The cracks and wounds too deep
to recover from.
I rush in attempts to paint over the
broken pieces to make it
look normal and inviting
but the shiny gloss on the outside is
fading and becoming dull, it is now
noticeable that I'm breaking.
Now I wait and watch the wall
as the bricks crumble and crack.
Its not quite broken yet,
but it will be
and soon...
so will I
 Mar 2015 Sammy Ann
Kate Breanne
I'll admit
I never meant
To love you

But you were
The drug that
I tried once
And couldn't kick

I got addicted
To your soul
And the way
It brushes up
Against mine

I now crave
To inhale your
Entire being
And get the buzz
I've desired
For so long

But you admitted
You never loved me
And now I'm suffering

You broke me in so many ways...
 Mar 2015 Sammy Ann
Amelia Pak
this is a poem
about Nothing

but in being about Nothing
it is about Something

this is a person
walking Nowhere

by walking Nowhere
their endpoint will be Somewhere

this is a child
with No One

once this child outgrows No One
they will find Someone

everyone in this world
gets caught up in the Now
in the Nothing

but what people need to see
is that if you look a little deeper
a little in the future
there will always be Something
I'm here for you,
always and forever.
Whoever you are,
wherever you are,
just know,
I'm here for you.

© Matthew Harlovic
 Mar 2015 Sammy Ann
it's loud
 Mar 2015 Sammy Ann
i hear the wind howling and i almost hope it will just take me
                         ­              and
i like the wind
 Mar 2015 Sammy Ann
Today feathers slipped from my mouth
Galaxies of bruises spread across my skin
And I became content with my body for a fleeting moment
But I can't tell you that.

Today someone cut my skin with scissor-sharp words
I felt the pressure of everything crushing me
And I aced a science test.
But I can't tell you that.

Today I realized that I feel like the only person in my universe
I missed the soft touch of your skin
And I felt sorry for myself
But I can't tell you that.

Today I tasted molten gold
Silver cascaded from the sky, similar to stars
And I wanted to kiss you
But I can't tell you that.

Today my fingers tapped the censored keys
I had an empty conversation with you
And I worried about our survival
But I can't tell you that.
 Mar 2015 Sammy Ann
Korey Rager

N- Nice

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