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Yesterday, my psyche took a beating,
Today, I feel like a bruise
That is past its angry, blue-black peak
And throbs with a dull, distracting ache.

Like the aftermath of a storm
When the formerly purple clouds lighten
But still threaten a final, farewell wetting.

That's me, a bruise of many hues
Across a canvas of undetermined mood,
Turbulent, fierce, bleeding still,
Close to the surface, threatening to break.
Watch the sky fall. Let the stars, in their unending time of life,
Find the reality of flushing crimson heat across the sky so black,
That it will glow in the reddish warmth, that all the fallen stars
Should bring, and leave their tracks and life is complete,
Over the darkness of this earth,
Found by so many,
Lost by so many,
Felt among those
Who know,
The black is filled,
With you.
The digs prove the existence of eternity.
Lucy joined millions of years ago.
Thats a long time to be in eternity,
But that's hardly eternity.
Her relations don't bring flowers,
Or trim the grass.
They stopped mourning years ago.
Perhaps hours after she died.
Eternity is a long time not to talk.

Love doesn't really stay in your heart forever.
Forever? Too Romantic a notion.
My eternity began at conception,
And I'm in no hurry to continue.
Neither should you.
It's a long time.

Will someone or something
Find forty percent of my bones down the road.
There's not enough time to fill eternity.
Remove it from famous sayings
And we have no comparison
For love, duty, time and beauty.
Can we really see it
In a blade of grass
Or in an hour.
Digs don't prove reincarnation, resurrection or spooky stuff.
Just eternity.
Silent. Non-existent.
Imagine a dove swooping down and brushing our world
With one wing
Every thousand years.
A soft or palatable swipe.
It's all the same.
Every thousand years.
After a period our world eventually vanishes.
Every mountain and ocean – gone.
Skyscrapers and swimming pools – gone.
Boulders and grains of sand – gone.
And the animals of ground, wind and water,
And earth itself – gone.
Eternity begins with the last brush
Of its wing.
That's a long time to be dead.
A long time being quiet.

I read endless poems about eternal love
And self-destruction,
Only one theme defines eternity.
The digs have proven it.
Lucy was found alone,
No lovers' bones.
Death wins out in the eternity theme.
Constant and sure.
And that's a long, long time.
Don't dwell on it.
They say, knowledge is vanity, so must I
Admit my sin, for I have taken a bite
Of the serpent apple as Adam did
In the garden in Eve.

For this has behoove me into my present to
Recognise everything I love and cherish
Eventually becomes frail and fragile.

Every road ends with death,
Every friendship ends with death,
Every love ends with death.

Loneliness, despair, betrayal, sickness,
Dignity, they all come to the same conclusion.
So show me a religion that prepares me
For Nothingness and death.

Thy shall follow into it's footsteps
So what I have been taught since I was a
Child I no longer have need for
And do not believe in anymore.
I am no longer believer of more life
After death.

No more dreams. No more lies.
My sibling is not my saviour
My only hope and what I cling to
is Nothingness.

So, my belief is in the the sun limited.
I welcome the sunset limited with
Open arms as the sunset limited is
Waiting for me.
It's all my fault
You never held me near
No mother's bond is here
I will be strong, no pain, no fear

It's all my fault
Cast off for them to betray
Who will wipe these tears away
I will be strong, no pain, no fear

It's all my fault
Dry eyes now my only shield
This fortress will not yield
I will be strong, no pain, no fear

It's all my fault                          
The dark night cloaks the beast
Prowling with torch to feast
I will be strong, no pain, no fear

It's all my fault    
He hunts with clawing hand    
His strength I can't withstand
I will be strong no pain no fear
It's all my fault
Defense a moment lax
My protector attacks
I will be strong, no pain, no fear

It's all my fault
Inside part of me dies
As he takes his foul prize
I will be strong, no pain, no fear
It's not my fault
In teacher's guise you came
This child soiled in your shame
I am strong I will shed the fear
Take time to care
Infuse with joy
Mend the despair
Bro'hood employ
Achieve in prayer
Lord's love deploy
Long live old boy
Tried acrostic for my friend's birthday
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