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 Sep 2020 GHOSTiePOST
Someone told me I was amazing
That I was beautiful
That I was loved
That I was not alone
That I was not a burden
That I was enough

I’m starting to believe in that too.
Thank you.


I couldn’t have imagined loving myself until I found you.

It takes a journey to love, and I’m glad I’m taking this journey with you.

To everyone, it may not be easy to love the person you know the most - yourself. But you will get there.

I promise.

“To myself, I love you.”

Repeat it until you believe it.

You deserve to.

 Dec 2015 GHOSTiePOST
 Nov 2015 GHOSTiePOST
 Nov 2015 GHOSTiePOST
 Nov 2015 GHOSTiePOST
  •sharpened to                                  • prowling  this
  a point•made                                     hallowed night
  to sink easily                                      •to satiate my  
    into flesh •                                         hunger   pa-    
     power   to                                            ngs• know    
     maim and                                            my name      
    disjoint•                                            as i take    
       spilling                                             flight  •      
       blood,                        ­                    cower      
          warm                                          as i ba-      
           and                                         re my      
          fre-                                      fan-        
         sh                                   gs        
•                                •
Happy Halloween!
 Nov 2015 GHOSTiePOST
JR Potts
The Atlantic Ocean and I sigh
in unison against the shoreline
of Amagansett Beach
and as she inhales;
she drags the land above below,
one grain of sand at a time.

In a few generations
she will have devoured this entire beach,
eventually the whole Island
and with it the multi-million dollar estates
which decorate its topology
like an effigy to human vanity.

I would say never before in history
has there been so few with so much
who have done so little
but that would denote
some kind of significance
and they are hardly worth noting.
 Oct 2015 GHOSTiePOST
I needed you to run through my veins
the same way my blood
rushes through them
breathing you in
when I want you out.
You were my drug
and I injected you any chance
I got;
craving the high
your voice would give me
and the euphoria I'd feel
filling up my chest
every time
I heard you laugh.
**That ******* perfect laugh.

— The End —