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16/F/united states   
21/Alive    "What's the good resisting temptation? There'll always be more" -Mae West Insta: @this.poet.does.not.exist
John Destalo
55/M/Harrisburg, PA    I am human. I consider myself an expressionist. I explore through my words what it is to be human. I try to create depth through …
47/M/the foot of the mountain    i've been fixed and i've been broken and i've broken what i've fixed
59/M    The beauty that befell my eyes the very day we met, is more than I could ever hope to see And now as time has …
16/F/Florida    Drowning in a sea of words
I love the art of poetry. It speaks, when nothing else can. I wanted a platform to share the artwork of others. Let’s keep it …
Ivy Davenport
F    But you all know me simply as Ivy:) xoxo
Harshitha Girish
16/F/India    I'm a river. I go with the flow, because life is such, friend!
19/F/Earth and skies    Ink stains are all that is left.
30/F/Germany    I mainly write stories but I enjoy dabbling in poetry, just to clear my mind. Hope you all enjoy my random thoughts.
21/F/Hell    Amore, amore, amore. “Love is a serious mental illness”
Melancholy of Innocence
Planet Earth    Philo-poetic fable of love. Its our journey into self-discovery about true meaning of love. Poems of LOVE for Z Facebook: melancholy.innocence Twitter: melanofinnocent Instagram: melanofinnocent
18/F/USA    Figuring life out
27/F/Grey areas    "A region of chaos and moonlight, she liked it there"
16/F    The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person. -Chuck Palahnuik
DeVaughn Station
24/M/Omaha, NE    I'm a developing and enthusiastic poet looking to make a positive change in the world through my writing.
40/F/A Dream    Creative writer, dreamer, make-believer...INFJ...
57/M    Hello there, as you can see this page is just starting so bare with me. I myself am a novice writer but felt the urge …
and in my mind I still need a place to go
Opilo Enock
18/M/Nairobi    A poet by blood,a writer by passion.Poetry in the winds.Lives to whirl though dull like
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