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 Aug 2019 Eryck
Broke up.
 Aug 2019 Eryck
I was too good for him.
He didn't deserve me.
So, god
Broke us up.
 Aug 2019 Eryck
Francie Lynch
When she said, Don't talk to me,
She lost some of her voice.
Then I heard, Don't look for me,
She gave no other choice.
Don't touch, I have no feelings,
You make my skin crawl,
Don't expect a pick up,
If you pick up to call

But I still smell her everywhere:
The shampoo used on her hair;
The bedsheets where we lay bare;
The fragrance of her festive tree;
Her aromatic herbal teas;
The lilies she could grow in sand,
Are sensational in my memory glands.
 Jun 2019 Eryck
I'm getting better, but it's in little steps. Steps that travel the petty distances between us.
And as long as my little steps keep bringing me closer to you, my love,
I know I will be okay.
things ****, but if i take it in little steps i think i can make it out alive.
 Jun 2019 Eryck
One sided
 Jun 2019 Eryck
Maybe it’s just me.
But our talks feel one sided.
I truly believe that conversation is what keeps bridges strong.
But bridges take two people to hold up.
idk. maybe it’s just me
 Jun 2019 Eryck
Rob Rutledge
 Jun 2019 Eryck
Rob Rutledge
Don't worry mum.
I'm worse than you think
But no way near as bad as you fear.
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