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 Oct 2018 Dust
 Oct 2018 Dust
Paying the Price?
It's never for the nice.
So I'll roll the dice
Cut and Cut
The drops they drip
The pain barely a nip
I'm not suicidal
Nor homicidal
But I'm angry and sad
And full of madness
And of course Badness
Delight in my own pain
Not for gain
But to punish
Time for the finish
A bit of background to make my poems easier to smallow. Still they will be as hard to swallow as cyanide
 Aug 2018 Dust
 Aug 2018 Dust
The elite English language
Written or spoken
Sometimes imagined or painted
Cannot fully explain the depth
of a broken heart
Smiling* on the outside
Crying on the inside
Everyday I smile
But it's just a way to hide

Laughing away the hurts
Cutting away the tears
Smiling at a way to
Forget all my fears

Dancing till I bleed
Inside my head I scream
I can't take this anymore
Only Smiling in my dreams
 Mar 2018 Dust
From A Heart
Why do I always gotta go and ruin something beautiful?
antanga ko lang po.
 Mar 2018 Dust
From A Heart
 Mar 2018 Dust
From A Heart
Don't worry lovely girl,
Your special words are not to be apologized for.
 Mar 2018 Dust
From A Heart
I'm not confrontational.
I can't deal with things in my life like I should.
 Mar 2018 Dust
From A Heart
My stupid phone doesn't work properly. It's old and it's slow and its battery dies a lot. The thing is, when I don't know what to do or who to talk to, and all I have to pull out is my phone, I can't play games or surf the net, because of my phone's inabilities. I need to look busy so instead I end up going back to all my message conversations. And then your name appears and I notice your group texts again and begin scrolling up and back into time and get to the point where my replies start and becomes more and more frequent. And then words start appearing that I had never said to anyone else before. And just like that I'm thrown back to that time, the butterflies and confusion. While everyone else around me is bored with Facebook. Joke's on them? No, joke's on me. My stupid phone's inabilities have a way of playing with me you see, so that boredom turns into reliving our memories. And then I don't feel like being around people with their phones out anymore.
 Mar 2018 Dust
From A Heart
    envy tears Because
  they glide gently down
 cheeks, And aren't falling
onto concrete? Do raindrops
envy tears As they come from
   pure emotion And aren't
        equivalent to vapor?

                                                      ­                                                         Do tears
                                                                ­                             envy raindrops
                                                       ­                             Which have no say
                                                                ­              in their falling And don't  
                                                         ­                    have to feel ashamed? Do    
                                                                ­          tears envy raindrops Because
                                                                ­             they need not feel pain, Or  
                                                                ­                   fear or heartbreak?

— The End —