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Warmness melts in cold
Wisdom brings life hold.
God talks about Age Gold
We see life's many fold.

Murmurs here a summer,
But rain is now a comer.
Life cherishes plumber
Plays drum here drummer.

You see summer loves rain,
This is sure water all gain
Grains we get in life's chain
Energy flows sure in vain.

Lane of love is so far long,
In this love nothing is wrong.
Rain drops fall here along,
Birds chirp sing new song.
Summer murmurs and rain drops fall down here as mercy of God falls on us as wisdom of his. Due to rain we get grains from crops. Thus we take food and energy flows in vain. Rain has wonderful love to make flow. This love is so long and here nothing is wrong. Having such love on Earth birds chirp and sing new song in happiness. Thus summer loves rain and God talks about Golden Age as we all love him.
tomorrows yesterday is todays tomorrow.
Our time is borrowed from the onslaught of hollow thoughts,
invoked in sorrow.
i’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours,
Still alienated by those metaphors as if we’ve never even met before.

The heart aches from the heart break,
i’m not even sure if I can take anymore.
Time takes it’s own sweet time.
Those bittersweet melodies so hard to define,
in time,
we atone.
played through the scales based upon the memories alone,
 Nov 2015 Dude with an Afro
the haunted house looked too much like your ribcage.
the rides only reminded you that you're not scared of dying.
your lips looked so beautiful while they pouted around cotton candy you pretended to eat.
i look at you and my whole body feels like a roller coaster.
i just want you to be okay and i don't know if you can be.
 Nov 2015 Dude with an Afro
A year ago today I was slowly falling for you
Little did I know you were slowly falling for me too

Sitting across each other I looked at you and you looked at me
And in that moment we knew we had to be with each other for at least
Its been a year and I'm still as crazy about you as I was a year ago.
What I needed
Was to be me.
The child I am,
To give him what he needs.
To love,
To be loved.
To laugh at life's calamity,
To slap a thigh at its slapstick.
To not get in its way,
To not step aside,
To be with it.
As me.
I needed to be me.
I need to be me.
More a collection of thoughts than poetry, but hey.
PARNELL came down the road, he said to a cheering man:
"Ireland shall get her freedom and you still break stone.
Forgiving those who cause your heart to ache
That isn't such an easy mission to complete
It's like getting sting twice by the same snake
That's why the hearts of men is as concrete.
Whether it be your parents, a close friend,
A coworker, or a family member
Once your heart was broken it's hard to mend,
It's a scar you will always remember.  
I once forgave someone who stained my heart,
It wasn't easy to grant them forgiveness,
But it wasn't too late for me to start.

Written by: Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
Kevarie O. Leslie
My lust, my thirst,
Day by day happen to increase,
But the truth is it darling,
That my life till date has been cease (d)
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