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I’ve kept so many words inside my breath
that bang against the solid tunnel in my throat
until my gag reflex lurches,
and my face grows yellow,
but only I can hear their clashing.

I swear I felt nothing
the moment I heard you breathed your last.
My heart only filled with dread
at the inconvenience you’d become to me,
but I sewed my lips shut in respect of the father
who’s spent a lifetime swinging fists
at my shield in an effort to build himself higher.
I used to hide under my pillow
with wells in my eyes
I couldn’t keep from overflowing
onto the sleep stained meadow of sheets beneath.
As I grew older
I blamed you.

While you gaze down
I’m sure you swell in your chest for every single grandchild
until you see me
and the needle in my hand,
ready to ***** the balloon between your lungs.
The tears I cried at your wake
will never be coupled with me or you
but only for the ones you left behind,
for they were blinded by the love you spread
to the hopeless negativity you harbored.

He is just like you.
God save me if the same blood
ever forms a river in me.
Drown my lungs until I gasp
for the air my mother breathes,
and let the salt of her eyes
drip into my hair until it annoys me enough
to let go.

I swing back now
if not only for the way
he’s always cared more for you
than the rest of us.
We are merely the dirt
left on the bottom of his boots.
who am I kidding?
I swing back for everything else too.

I don’t miss you,
but I wish I did.

I guess I’m not done blaming you yet.
Rest in peace
until I can.
i am not angry,
and i won't be.
how someone could stay mad at you
is a ******* mystery to me.

you were right,
and not everyone
is an enigma.
but i believe that you are.
i believe that we are.

i still have all your letters.

speaking of letters,
i've tried writing you one before.
but words and humans
do not often cooperate.

i hope you start a new york jar again.
you won't.
but i hope you do.

i will not forget you.
i will think of you,
and i hope you think of me, too,
on those days when the sky is a shade too dark
and your soul feels a little bit too empty.

i know now
that i do not
have to do anything.

i love you.
future tense.
i love you.
and i know you love me.

i hope you see this.

shakespeare once said
that life's but a walking shadow.
but i believe --
i know --
that you are destined for something greater.
are going to make it.

if, by some miracle,
i can find a word,
a song,
a quote,
to describe you,
to do you justice,
i will let you know.
i hope you'll do the same for me.

i'm sorry.
for everything.
i wish it didn't end up this way,
but it did,
and so i won't waste time complaining.
but truly,
i am sorry.

you'll find happiness.

and maybe,
if the stars align,
and the water's calm,
someday you'll find me, too.

i love you.
Fingers are frozen, face is cold.
You press your lips against my nose,
You put my hands under your clothes.
Whispering, “I’ll keep you warm,”

Yet, I’m standing here while the wind blows.
And you wrap you arms around her waist,
While my tears freeze.
 Feb 2015 Alexandria Hope
I have this fantasy
That one day you will strip away
All your fears,
All you facades,
All your faces,
And just let me see your soul.

I want to palm your heart,
The way you clutch mine so tight,
And feel it beat,
One, two, five...
Skipping three and four.

I want to erase all the scars that run across you,
Old markings and tales,
Railroad tracks leading to burnt out bonfires,
Almost forgotten,
But always reminding you that they are there.

But really,
Above all,
Is that I just want you to be

**Even if I'm not.
Just came out... idk. Some parts are true some parts made up.

Ravers fantasy
Nightcore cover
She looked more alive
dangling from the edge
than she ever had resting
in the lap of luxury.
Were we ever meant to live the ordinary life?
 Feb 2015 Alexandria Hope
i’ve tried to breathe life into us so many times
you’d think i was playing god himself
i’ve blown all the rust off the curves of my shoulders
i’ve blown all the dust off the books on my shelf

i saw the world in the way you walked
you saw the lipstick on my teeth
you are all things bright and beautiful
and i’m just the current beneath

i will try on everything in my closet
i will shine all of my shoes
i will go to the store and spend 15 bucks more
if i don’t have the right shade of blue

because **** it, i like it when your arm touches mine
so long as i stick to water and avoid any wine
i want you to think, “there she is!  there’s my perfect ten.”
but i’ll be growing out my hair and growing old until then.

you are a man. but i am a ghost of what is in between
the salt of the earth and way of the wind, evident but unseen
you’ve shown me that it’s real, and it’s rocked me to my core
and if you turned off the lights, i could be everything you’re looking for
 Jan 2015 Alexandria Hope
Does the late  night chats?
You telling me you love me?
The kisses?
The jacket?
Me loving you?
My best friend being mad at me because of you?
Me getting a headache from the smoke smell on your jacket,
But its worth it right??
Does this all mean something?
 Jan 2015 Alexandria Hope
I was thirteen when I broke my wrist for the first time,
Miming Cinderella Man's fists as they jabbed faster than jets through the sky.
He was blue collar, blue jeans, blue bruises and blue eyes;
Waiting for his chance, and then taking it by the blind-side,
He taught me the meaning of a left hook to life and coming back from behind.
I was raised on Cinderella.

She was thirteen when daddy read her the tale that first time,
and she grew up wishing to be Cinderella, miming her words and her stride,
She wore blue dresses, smoked blue crystals, cried blue tears with blue eyes;
Waiting to be saved by a prince with blood bluer than money could buy,
Cinderella taught her to sit back and wait for her princely perfect guy,
She was raised on Cinderella.

We were raised on Cinderella,
We were twenty and change when we locked blue and green eyes,
Mine had darkened to green by that eye-locking time,
Life tends to darken things; It's just how it goes, and when mine
took that hue, things were no longer so blue.
Because even though we were both raised on Cinderella,
Princesses and Paupers don't find love; When they do it isn't "true"
Because no blue crystal smoked could cloak the pain and disguise;
No fairytale magic can hold back real tears from real eyes.
My Cinderella was a prize fighter;
Her Cinderella was the prize,
but the stories are different, and in the end, both are lies.
To this day, I remember your eyes, and the memory brings back only love and heartbreak. We weren't meant to be, and I stand by my words when we went our separate ways. Love isn't a fairy tale. I'm not prince charming, and your princess belongs in another castle. I hope you find him one day.
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