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 Jan 2016 Seth Milliman
Miss Grim
21 days
They say for the end of withdrawals
And it's out of your system
But my mind didn't listen
Because it's still enthralled

21 days
In ways I wish you were a drug
To explain this craving
I surely need saving
From the hole that I've dug

21 days
In a haze searching for a cure
Your infection is spreading
Tears over my bedding
How much more can I endure?

21 days
Here I lay still thinking about you
I must confess
I'm still a mess
But I'm starting to pull through

21 days
It pays to find someone new
When I heard his voice
My new drug of choice
To get me over you.
 Jan 2016 Seth Milliman
Miss Grim
Longing for something more profound
Stumbling around the same old ground
And mindless robots are all I've found
Is it too much to want to converse?
About atoms and molecules
Or the whole universe!
Everywhere that I turn
Here's what I see
Their only concern
Is what's on TV
Consumed by football
Hunting and cars
Meanwhile I'm here
Entranced by the stars
Perhaps I'm being a little dramatic
But please, come on please
Let's ponder cymatics!
Or quantum physics
Let's trace the specifics
While we chase some exquisite
New discoveries
Oh please, come on please!!
Stimulate my brain
Before I go insane
I've already lost their attention
I'm so done with this dimension.
Doesn't anyone have profound thoughts anymore?!? Where are you people?!? Please come find me.
I can live with being lonely.
I’ve been this way for quite some time.
Don’t get me wrong.
You’re beautiful and kind,
but I cant put my heart on the line.

I haven’t known your kind of love.
I fall in love with stupid things.
Like the smell of home,
Or the woods in autumn;
The sound of church bells on the breeze.

I’ve never needed any more,
And lonely’s all I’ve ever been.
I know you’re hurt.
You have a right to be.
But being lonely’s not a sin.
 Jan 2016 Seth Milliman
Tell me your secrets as you weave your fingers between my thighs
Teach me your history as your eyes knock down my mind
Tell my why while we both get high

Please let me into your world as you tell me I complete it
Please let me win you over as you coach me; tell me more as you tell me "more"
Let's close our eyes like we always do, this time opening our minds and allowing ourselves to see
I can't catch feels; too late.
Well I can make faces
And I can make room
I can make promises
To the man in the moon
I can make time
And I can  make friends
But I don't know how
I'll  ever make amends
So tell me how to start
To heal a broken heart
And tell me how to forgive myself
Like I try to forgive someone else

I can make memories
And I can make changes
But I can't make up
For the way life rearranged
The pieces of the puzzle
Or  for the pieces that are lost
And I'll never be able to make up
For the trouble or the cost
Still I can make an offering
I don't have to make myself grieve
I hope I can make an opening
To help me find a way to believe

— The End —