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He's just a blurred figure now in her memory
But his love will last till eternity.

Krystal Marcelo
 Feb 2016 Dani Jo
If we love someone,  
We express it,  
If we hate someone,  
Then we say it,  

But you chose silence,  
To destroy me slowly,  
Your silence has kept me on a string,  
The string of uncertainty,  

I'm not sure what this silence means,
Do you still love me?  
Or you hate me now?  

If I walk away from you,  
I'll be thinking of coming back,  
And If I walk towards you,  
Maybe I'll make a mistake,  

You have left me alone on this string,  
Anyhow I'm destroyed, destroyed of uncertainty ....

© 2015-AROODY
I believe that uncertainty is a destroying feeling,
Eventually, my hatred for you
Slowly transforming me to be just like you
Barely  forgiving
Always dominating.

You made me fear love
You made me forget the beauty of it
Instead you keep on reminding me
How painful it can be.

You forge my heart
Into steel
But I hope it's stainless
So it won't rust.

'Cause some part of me wanted to hate you
Yet some part of me wanted to love you
And I just don't know what to do
I'm left confused and with no clue.

But at the end of the day
You are still my father
And nothing can ever change that
As you cannot choose who to be your child...
This is the last part of my "four-part" poem for my Dad. Just to burst this thoughts that right until now I never dare told him. I know that I'm not the only one who undergone this kind of situations so I hope you can relate to it. I hardly make it rhyme but I hope this gonna make sense...
Not a premature baby
But as tiny as a kitten
Incubated for the first few hours of existence
And told that might be dying.

Those mentioned before just added
To the reasons you dislike me
Aside from the fact that I'm a girl
And you have always wanted a boy for your firstborn.

I remembered the line from the movie 'Noah'
When Ila asked him why he spared the twins
And he said,"I looked down at those two little girls
and all I had in my heart was love
And wondered if you haven't seen that kind of love
When you looked down on me.

'Cause you held me in your arms
Without gentleness
Like I'm not vulnerable
Like I'm not from your own flesh and blood.

As I'm growing into my skin
The more I crave for your attention
For your affection
But I got nothing.

And as the day passed by
The more you made me feel how unwanted I am.

Krystal Marcelo
This is the first part of my "four-part" poem for my Dad. Just to burst this thoughts that right until now I never dare told him. I know that I'm not the only one who undergone this kind of situations so I hope you can relate to it. I hardly make it rhyme but I hope this gonna make sense...
 Feb 2016 Dani Jo
Busbar Dancer
grass grows through the cracks in the asphalt
of what was once glass avenue.
flashes of grayed sunlight reveal blasted facades
offering a peek through the gauzy veil of
years both distant and near.
woe be unto those whose days are spent
looking backward, for the past holds naught but
the pail glimmer of souls lost
to all but thought and memory.
shade and spirit haunt this place.
the river rages unabated over the locks at TVA;
a reminder of the folly of all grand designs;
there is no power here.
gone are your craft beers and artisan pickles and
small plate miracles filled with
foraged mushrooms and
duck confit.
gone are your bike trails and long hikes and
nature walks
down around the ***, the pan and the handle.
appalachia has fallen.
the last stand lasted all of sixty seconds;
a minute too long.
 Feb 2016 Dani Jo
 Feb 2016 Dani Jo
A flower
Caught in the muddy waters of life
Spiralling in a whirlpool of tenacity
Plucked and discarded
To continue its journey alone*

(C) Pixievic 2016
 Feb 2016 Dani Jo
"what's worse?"
I ask
a little pebble,

"Indulging in sin
or decaying within?"

of course,
he doesn't reply,
he never has or will—

but at least he hears
my faint cry
and listens, real still.
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