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She HATES him,
With all her heart and all her soul.

He was hopeless,
He couldn't do anything right.

When she was in darkness, he offered her no light,
Instead he joined her.
When she was down, he didn't lift her up,
Instead he joined her.
When she cried, he didn't make her laugh,
Instead he joined her.
When she was wounded, he did not cure her,
Instead he joined her.

In the end she couldn't take it,
She told him to leave,
For once he did the right thing...
He left.

Watching the flowers fall to the ground,
She realized her mistake,
His love, after all, wasn't fake,
So she waited...and waited...

She LOVES him,
With all her heart and all her soul.

Looks like the things he did,
were right all along.
I vow to that day,
If I ever found you somewhere,
Devastated and hurt,
I'd come and console you before you break in tears

This was the promise you made,
Now look where it took us,
You fled away,
Leaving me to myself in tears,

I will love you forever,
Till the day I stay,
Never will I let a drop fall,
Because you are my life forever more

If this was your definition of everlasting love,
Then I'd rather shove all of it away,
Find myself somewhere else,
Hiding myself in a dark place,

I will always support you no matter what,
Never will you receive any sorrow,
You are precious to me,
And you're my eternity,*

These were the last lines I ever remember,
The next thing I remember is you left,
Breaking all promises you never kept,
My mental and physical pain you should know is because of you and your ***** little lies that I embraced
The italic highlights are his words.
I really think
that it is just a sin.
That when there is trouble
The Big Boys join in.

They all come across
saying that they'll make a change
and then somebodys World
they will then rearange.

The US and Russia
along with us Brits
don't want it that way
so we blow it to bits.

We give guns to him,
supply arms to another.
Then we sit back and watch
as Brother kills Brother.

Who are we to guide?
Who are we to preach.
When we cling on to their assets
like a blood ******* leach.

We should leave others alone
till our own house is done,
yet we watch as our schools
become run by the gun.

Where now it's the norm
to be shot as we learn,
just as long as big commerce
is able to earn.

Those who should know better
don't know how to behave
Happy to see
another Child in a Grave.

So you Big Boys go elsewhere
because it's well known
that if you come to play
you come armed with a Drone.

While you're sitting back
comfy in your armchair.
You can relentlessly ****
from a place that's not there.

Then when you pull the plug
and remove your devices
we are faced with a problem
of people making bad choices.

We have made problems worse!
We have let people down
and when we get a world crisis
we'll react with a frown.

We don't want them here.
They cannot go there.
A whole host of humanity
who is welcome Nowhere.

We created this problem!
We created this way.
So in the future
keep The Big Boys away.
3rd October 2015
© Copyright Christopher K Bayliss 2014
Into the woods,
On foot,
I came across so many obstacles,
But with that one friend,
I feel so blessed.
Talking about marriage and romance,
Danielle Steele and Judith Mcnaught,
Make the conversation all the more strong.
The runny sand and our ***** pants,
They seem to have no weight,
Monkeys on barks,
Elephants parading towards the lake,
It all seems so natural,
The sound of the river and my yummy waffle.
My trip to the wilderness was as crazy as this poem seems,
No idea, no plot,
I know its a flop !
Heck no ! I have actually lost it ....
Will he always stay in my heart ?
Probably not.
Walking down the hallway,
Its my first day,
I feel alienated,
As well as irritated,
I keep moving every year,
Sometimes here, sometimes there.

New friends, new house,
New appearance, new blouse,
New crush, new admirers,
New enemies, new fighters.

But this particular day i can never forget,
For i set my eyes on a particular someone i just met,
As he locked his eyes on me,
I blushed in response looking away ready to flea.
I move a lot. Like after every 1 or 2 years.
I'm not saying I'm contented with the past
I think the future is a gamble and means
Forgetting all the chapters, the good and the bad
The easy and the hard, the clear and the blurred
And what's more, the friends and family, my blood
I'm not saying I should not move on and It's all I want to do
But where is "on"? Is it north, South, East or west?
Is "on" up so that I can construct wings or is it down
So that I can gather the tools of strength and start digging?
I'm not implying I enjoy the nightmares of knowing it was all *******
But I just cannot plough through this in an instant like a mad ox
I don't even mean you know nothing about the pain of a loss
Your loss was your way and,I mine,knowing don't me you understand
I'm not saying you haven't been there and seen it all
All I ask for is more time to ounce by ounce lift this burden off my chest
Wash my mind in forgiveness and cleanse my soul
I'm not asking you to get so upset and leave
But It's your choice,you can stay and watch me grieve
I appreciate you being kind and beautiful
That's why lying that I'm over it will make me a fool
I'm not saying I want to embrace the memories like I'm cursed
All I'm trying to say is some stories are best sellers
******, happy or sad because at some point all life is hard
Earth is such a crowded empty place
Filled with the nothingness of life
Clamoring to reach for the infinity in space
Soiling serenity with struggle and strife

Human hearts are vacuums filled with emotions
Running through veins and coloring the mind
Blood red with taunting unclear notions
Tainting humanity hopeless and blind

A species sailing a Titanic bound for the Ice
Battling waves along a rough boundless Sea
Trying to find another world rich in spice
A Universe beyond what its conscience can see

This race is a stifled prison in carte blanche
And it ends as it starts, like an avalanche
 Aug 2015 DaRk IcE
brandon nagley
Mother, when I was since a young lad
Thou hath fed me, tied mine shoe's;
Cut mine noose.

Though mother, thou art getting older now
The tables hath turned, thine knees art weak;
Thine backs broken and torn.

An as thou hath done for me as a boy
I shalt taketh care of thee, to fill thine heart's joy;
And put shoes on thine feet, as thou hath done me, now its me

Taking care of thee;

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
©Juna nagley/mother dedication
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