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 Mar 7 Creux
David Lessard
Be with me Lord
when I am in a fearful place
and of your presence
there is no apparent trace
only darkness that prevails
and there is no shining light
only sadness that seems
to cover me like night
Be with me as I seek the way to You
turning from the clutches of despair
to find the exits that exist
to find the stair.
Be  with me Lord to fight the dark
to resist the ever present foe
reach out to me and guide me
show me just the way to go.
Be with me Lord and be my light
direct me in the street of decency
blot out my shameful shadowed past
I ask for You to rescue me.
 Dec 2024 Creux
You're slipping, love, like sand through my hands,
Each word you fling cuts, each silence expands.
I’ve waited, I’ve warned, I’ve whispered my plea,
But this path you tread moves you farther from me.
Soon, I'll be gone—just a shadow you'll see.
 Dec 2024 Creux
i think
i just felt
the last part
of my brittle heart
 Dec 2024 Creux
Stained Glass
'We are the daughters of men who warned us about the news, and the missing girls on milk cartons and the sharp edge of the world.
They begged us to be careful, to be safe, and then told our brothers to go out and play.'
 Nov 2024 Creux
 Nov 2024 Creux
Fold me like you always have,
Run your nails to set the creases,
Shape me to the form you crave,
Bend me into the art of your wishes,

My form forever yours to toy with,
I conform to your will and desire,
Expose my surfaces, above or beneath,
I will always be there for you to admire,

I can be flexible or I can be stiff,
That depends on what you want,
I am here to help fill your rift,
The one who says you can when you can’t,

Craft that which you seek of me,
I am but your art, your origami.
 Oct 2024 Creux
Peach Pietersen
the wrong one
will find you in peace
and end up leaving you in pieces

only the right one
can find you in pieces
and guide you to peace
 Sep 2024 Creux
 Sep 2024 Creux
i need a hug,
not a false side one.
a really long one.
one in which i just disappear from the world.

nothing else will matter.
not the fact that me and you
have both moved on and found someone new.
i need one so tight
that i can feel my bones being crushed and pressured
until they s h a t t e r .


because all of what i've seen
is pain and hurt.
people fall and are pushed to
instantly get back up and brush off the dirt.

let's hug.
 Sep 2024 Creux
Fire Season.
 Sep 2024 Creux
I love a sunburnt country,
but now the land's ablaze.
the oxygen we breathe has turned to dust
yet our request for help is denied.
I love a sunburnt country,
but there's not much left to last.

Firefighters aren't getting paid,
Neither are their bills.
yet our leader claims we're all fine
but he can afford to jet away.

The wildlife is damaged.
Koalas are losing homes.
much like the population
as the fires rip through their walls.

I love my sunburnt country,
but this has gone on too long.
while it's nice you're in hawaii Mr. Morrison,
everyone else is left to stand alone..
 Sep 2024 Creux
Wet Paint
 Sep 2024 Creux
Be patient with me
I’m still a work in progress

Somedays I seem put together
But that paint’s not dry just yet

One day I’ll get this right
I’m sorry
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