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D Cole Jan 2021
Life is a limbo of crippled dreams
waiting for the fire in them to be ignited
But in solitude they shall remain,
their wings will grow big
but will never kiss the sky,
For the dream keeper knows not
what they can do
Follow your dreams
D Cole Jan 2021
Words are forged from the fire of the soul,

Brought to life by streams of emotions

bursting from the heart

In harmony they dance, telling the

different pieces of art painted by the

When you write, different words
Seem ,in one accord, to come together
As though attempting to
fulfill a puzzle of mystery
And when you're done
These words tell tales from
Hidden places with in us,
Saying not a word.
D Cole Jan 2021
Beauty they say, is
Symmetrical perfection,
Flawless as the deep blue sea
Radiant as the sun's grin

Beauty _I say  is,
The flower blooming in serenity
With its delicate beautiful petals
****** to the eyes of the world
It's aesthetic appeal misunderstood by the majority
          Beauty I  say,
Is all what makes you different from them,
    All what makes you an emerald and them the background colour,
Beauty I say, is all the different pieces glued together to make you.

Beauty   they   say,
Is seduction to the eye,
Is the calm ambiance
   Is the mesmerising sunset
  that all eyes fumble to adore.    

Beauty I say,
Is the vibrant spirit you owe,
                   Is the tiring  maze that makes you a piece of art.
Is that wild storm that makes my eyes attracted to your presence.
I know your beautiful
  Dec 2020 D Cole
Jena T
My dear,
If I were to write you a song,
I'd surely fill my lungs

My dear,
If I were to write you a letter,
I'd surely kiss the sun
Burst into a thousand flames

My dear,
If I were to write your final words,
My pen would bleed
Of all you've been
And never seen

My dear,
If you learned I wrote your story,
Would you understand
Forgive me the tears
The loss within,
If you knew each line was a beautiful creation of mine?

My dear,
You are always mine
From infants cry
To burial time
Don't despair today
This line will become yesterday
You haven't seen my melodies or poetry
We'll kiss the sun another day.
D Cole Dec 2020
My heart dances with the wind...
My mind is bruised by its caress...
that pain I want,never to cease
My skin dried out by its presence... be continued
Young love
D Cole Oct 2020
Train your dreams how to fly,
    On their wings __you'll reach horizons
         For they have no limits,besides the one who wields them.
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