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Oct 2021 · 2.5k
Give me ur hand baby
Clarissa Oct 2021
see us dancing
the moment I hear
any upbeat melody
Not a poem but a thought ig
Oct 2021 · 9.5k
Hot sweet chocolate
Clarissa Oct 2021
Made a fool of myself
But I don’t even care
Can’t help but smile
At these chocolate eyes

Will I get to taste
These sugarly lips?
How much time I’ll waste
On the „overthings”?
Probably ****** it up though:(
Sep 2021 · 148
Dreamy mind
Clarissa Sep 2021
Little grins at your
„Just send texts”
Butterfly laughs when
My phone calls

Colours turn more vivid
As soon as I think
Of tasting these
Soft and sweet lips

Feel us dancing
Just the moment i hear
Some pretty, upbeat melody

Universe feels little better
With dreamy visions
Yet I wanna know
Will he turn out though
To be the boy I hope for?
We’re meeting next week for the 1st time<3
Sep 2021 · 672
Clarissa Sep 2021
I was really good
Good at English
So I went for IB
Now I’m just
Like everyone else

I was quite good
Good at dancing
But then it turned out
I got worse than expected
Stopped shining

I was good
Quite good at Polish
But now I can’t even
Write a creative essay

I was never
Good enough
To achieve anything
More than average

Please tell me
That this one time
I’m good enough

Tell me I’m enough
For your love
Does he even like me in that way
Sep 2021 · 374
I’m sorry
Clarissa Sep 2021
Why not me?
Was I too much
Or too little
Tell me
Was I bad enough
To just leave
Or were you
Cruel enough
Not to stay

Why not me?
I get it
You don’t miss me
And it doesn’t  matter
That I miss you
Does it?

Why not me?
I was already hurt
So I can’t say that
It was you
Who broke me
But I have to admit
That you leaving
Broke my heart
A little more

I know
World’s not about me
I know
That it was all
My fault
It just felt so good
Now it’s all just wrong
This is even worse
Sep 2021 · 121
Would you
Clarissa Sep 2021
Baby would you
Leave me already
Cause I’m getting
Attatched here

Baby would you
Hurt me already
Cause I can’t take
Pure happiness

Honey would you
Kiss me already
I’m getting starved
Of your sweet touch

Baby would you
**** me already
I cannot take
More of the luck
This poem is ****** but whatever
Sep 2021 · 183
My love
Clarissa Sep 2021
My love is repulsive
It will destroy you
My Love
So my Love, please
Don’t trust me
Cause my love
Breaks things apart
#love #teachmelove
Aug 2021 · 1.0k
The perks of being me
Clarissa Aug 2021
Always puts them above
I will still  play pretend
We tend to accept love
That we think we deserve
Aug 2021 · 572
Clarissa Aug 2021
Laughing together
I’m holding back tears
„This is forever”
Silence in my ears

Arms around my waist
Yet I’m still so cold
Surrounded by you
Yet I’m still alone
Jun 2021 · 214
There was red(TW)
Clarissa Jun 2021
There was red on my hands
After i mordered my inner self
All hopes and dreams
Washed away by the salty stream
Saw it altogether
My happy ending gone
Nothing anymore
Nothing forever
Jun 2021 · 613
Little Sun
Clarissa Jun 2021
Oh how beauteous
You look when you smile
The cloudy countentance
Shined away by
The sparkle in your eyes
I wish I could behold it
For longer than
The tiny piece of time
Jun 2021 · 1.0k
Clarissa Jun 2021
Tears falling from her lifeless eyes
Their salty taste

Rain drops falling from silvery sky
Their tiny shape

Tears falling down her alabaster cheeks
In their own rhythm

Rain drops falling from colourless sky
Tapping so evenly

Putting out her shaking hand
Water so delicate

Tears falling down her face
Rain drops falling from the sky

Isn’t it wonderful to have
Such company in despair…
Jun 2021 · 89
Clarissa Jun 2021
There’s this little person inside me,
who tells me all this
There’s this whispering voice in my head,
which makes me feel like this,
There’s this way unpleasant shiver inside me,
which makes me question all this
They all come from somebody else
But at the same time
I am
This person, this voice, this shiver
I am
All of them
While being
The exact opposition
I try but I don’t
I stay, then I go
I care but I don’t
I scream while being silent
I ***** up to make up
Don’t even know who
Does my mind belong to
Jun 2021 · 264
Hidden Thoughts
Clarissa Jun 2021
Everything hides
Nothing is found
There’s string on me
And I cannot breathe

Mum, I’m not angry, nor sad
I’m not mad
I don’t feel anything
I can’t feel anything

World’s turning around
I’m loosing my mind
Can’t tell apart
What’s wrong, what’s right

It breaks my heart
My light burns out
I’ve tried to fight
Got caught by fright

Brain feels so wired
It doesn’t shut up
I’m just so tired
Of playing the part

Still fear there’s someone
Who’s pulling my strings
Like I’m some puppet
You’ll  see on TV
Jun 2021 · 441
I exist
Clarissa Jun 2021
I exist
But dreams turn into dust
And every breath reminds me of last

I exist
But world is so blurry
Contained of hopes I had to burry

I exist
But there’s only blank space
That’s highlighting every wasted chance

I exist
But time turned into slow motion
I’m drowning in an endless ocean

I exist
Joyful dance, cheerfull smile
Did someone say I was fragile!?

I’m alright
Look at me
So delighted to exist
Jun 2021 · 214
Feel again
Clarissa Jun 2021
Teach me how to breathe
Show me how to stay
Tell me there’s a way
To make me feel again

Sell me some old lies
Tell me „sun will shine”
Even though we know
We’ll both end up gone

— The End —