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The fog rolls in it covers the light
Darkness descends
Shrouded smoky night
Dark and cold
Unfeeling it all
Til a voice inside says shine
Listen to the call
From heart spark
Lit flame
Grows brighter with each glowing frame
Expanding out to form and air
Hitting the fog filled lair
Glimpse of sun gaping through cloud
Dawn will break
His words full of thorns
But his embrace is still heavenly anyway
I might be bleeding
But he wipes it everytime
Do you ever forget,
how lonely you are?
When the silence creeps in,
like the moon and the stars.
And all they see above so high,
is untold stories,
seen by those twinkling lights.

Everything that we once knew,
It was false, untrue.
We didn't know the truth,
Watching the stars burn as they die.

We're made of stardust too,
When I look at them,
I think of you.
They know our untold story
and how it'll never touch pen to page.
Why do you think it rains?
They're crying for us two,
Don't feel lonely,
when I'm always with you.

— The End —