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To the girls who are secretly so broken
You WILL be alright
I know you have scars on your soul
Maybe your heart
Possibly your wrists
None of this is your fault
And even if you think it is
Let it go
Not that you can, that easily
But try
I know you are broken
I know you're not okay
Especially when people ask how you are and you answer "I'm fine"
When what you really mean is "I'm alive"
But what do you really care about your own survival anymore
Well I just want you to know
There is beauty in broken glass
And to me
There is immeasurable beauty
In broken girls
So don't you ever forget
You cannot be defined by pain
You're too beautiful for that
Stay strong, broken girl
Nothing is ever really broken
Repost if you are a broken girl. So this message may reach as many of you as possible.

I am here for you. I may just be a sloth but if you message me: I'm fine.
Just randomly it will be our code for "I'm not fine at all" and I will be there for you.
they say the greatest love
is love lost
but what if the greatest love
is the one with the greatest cost

they say its better to have loved and lost
than never to have loved at all
i guess they don't know what it feels like
to fall for someone you gave your all
and have to walk away

i fell in love with words she uttered
not seeing her face barely mattered
not hearing her voice
didn't affect my choice

i love her
i thought she was the one
we truly had fun
but sadly it was done
before we found each other

we lost a love so strong
a love i thought would last long
a love i thought would build a family
a love i thought would last for eternity

a true love lost
yet never found
two hearts at cost
as they shattered to the ground

they say the greatest love
is love lost
but what if the greatest love
is the one with the greatest cost
love letters
sealed with tears
just kept
never **read
I keep replaying it in my head
Like a broken record stuck on repeat,
the expression you had
when you looked at me
and tears started streaming down your face.

My heart twisted and cringed
as every tear fell
You pushed me away when I tried to
console you
"Get away from me."
I was horrified with myself.
The complete utter silence dispersed through the room  
when you left me alone.

You did that on purpose
I think
to let me torture myself
with every thought that consumed me
every little drop of hatred,
running through my veins.
Like poison seeping through my blood.
Every second becoming more fatal
every moment deteriorating my insides.

Then the sky started crying
each rain drop simotaneous
with each tear rolling down my cheek.
I despise myself for hurting you.
I'm sorry.
Do you ever feel anxiety?
Do you ever feel ashamed?
Do you ever feel the thoughts you have are sometimes quite deranged?

Are you all okay with everything that flows around your mind?
The words that come alive through you do they seem quite unkind?

Or do you err with caution and try not to upset
The ones who read the words you write and so your work you'll vet!

Sometimes they might need steering towards the point you make.
Sometimes you want to frighten them, or make their poor hearts break!

Your genre points the way for you and you try to make them see.
The message that you write about within your poetry.

Some point out the choices that we aim for in this life,
Whilst others try to show the world in all its weary strife.

The rights and wrongs of lovers, governments and greed.
Whilst others write about the things we all need to succeed.

But whether you script horrors tales or tell of someones plight.
The most important thing you do my dear friend is write!
Dec 2014
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