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Charles Vorpal May 2021
Somethings have no right or wrong,
Like enjoying pineapples on pizzas.
But some people are definitely wrong.
Like flat-earthers and anti-vaxxers.

Then there are those self-righteous idiots,
Who mistook their freedom of religion,
As their right to oppress and be hideous;
Deluded that hatred is their path to heaven.

They say might makes right; but I ask,
Why do we not empower correctly?
The wrongdoings of atrocities of the past,
Surely can, and should, be righted properly?

Understand, equal human rights is not a pie.
Your personal beliefs could be mistaken;
And people have the right to stay alive
Rather than be persecuted or forsaken
Charles Vorpal May 2021
It all started
As a mere curiosity
But like a snowball
Rolling down a hill......

I ask my parents
Why do you have me
They speak of family legacy
And 'normal' social expectations;
Yet I have nothing worthy to pass down.
So I shall end the bloodline.

I ask the society
Why do you want me?
They speak of cultural survival
And the gods' commandments;
Yet all I see are oppressive traditions.
So I refuse this ancestral peer pressure.

I ask the church
Why do you want me?
They speak of ensuring numbers
And the "natural" way of the world
Yet all I see are hypocrisy and closed minds.
So I slain the gods in my heart and mind

I ask the world
What do you want from me?
It did not answer; it merely shows.
And I see cruelty, I see pain, I see apathy
So I decide, the universe never cared
There is no meaning to it all
Just the fate one creates for oneself
Thus, I vow, I shall end this darkness
And annihilate all of reality
Should gods and demons oppose me
I will cut them down too!
Charles Vorpal May 2021
The desire to want more
Has been corrupted
Such desires means much more
Than greed, gluttony, or lust

Is it wrong to demand more efficiency
From those who are supposed to lead us?

Is it too much to ask for more empathy
For those sorely in need of compassion?

Is it a sin to demand for more justice
For victims of hypocritical religious figures?

Is it not our basic human rights
To desire more safety and security?

Why do we judge those who want more
Because they want to share with others?

Why do we belittle those seeking equality
And bitterly challenge them more instead?

Why do we put down passions and talents?
When we need more creativity and imagination?

Why do those who are greedy have their wants satisfied
While the desperate ones have their urgent needs neglected?

We need MORE kindness
We need MORE humanity
We need MORE wisdom

Otherwise, in the end
Only anger and pain
Will grow and reign
Charles Vorpal May 2021
I want more, and I will lie no more.
Call me greedy; I don't care anymore.

I want more money. Who doesn't?
They are never enough. Never enough.
I am but a **** poor untalented peasant,
I just want to numb myself with more stuff.

With more money, I can buy more books.
The more pages I flipped, I lose myself more.
More money also means more toys that hooks
My inner child - he now knows freedom more.

I want more food. OM NOM NOM FOOD!
I hunger for simple gastronomical richness:
Multiple mint teabags to better calm my mood,
Serve with upsized servings of buttery tastiness.

Yet, even the simplest desires, Need. MONEY!
What's that you say? Learn to have less desires?
Let me write it down on my list; oh that's funny;
This long list, of desires, do you think it expires?

Nay, I say, for all my wants, shall grow evermore!
Charles Vorpal May 2021
"Why do you laugh?
Do you not see
How useless is it?
Are you delusional?
Or have you gone mad?"
You questioned me.
I stared, and laughed.
I am not blind, and
I certainly feel helpless.
But, still I laugh,
For I have already cried.

In laughter, I find unity
With others who laugh too
In laughter, there is power
Against clowns and idiots
With delusions of grandeur
As I laugh, I show sanity
While exposing stupidity

To laugh is to cope
A means of catharsis
It is as valid as crying
And often, I do both
I laugh, because I am
unfortunately still human
Charles Vorpal May 2021
My stupid boy,
When you were young,
You charge forward
Towards what you thought
Was your dream

And now, silly boy,
You have grown,
Old and fat, but not up

You have now become
This sad, strange little man
You have forgotten what dreams are
Depleted of life and energy
You simply recharge nightly
Just to be exhausted again the next day
The only thing you charge now
Is you debit card

You dream no longer
For you have nothing to look forward
Your once youthful charge
Is now replaced by
A desperate march to the other side.
Charles Vorpal Apr 2021
Uncle's home
Brother's home
Birthplace/Parents' home
Places where I have lived long

"Nǐ fēn dào zhèyàng zuò me? Yěshì nǐ de jiā ma."
It's also your home, I am told.
Really? Tell me more, o mind reader.
What other feelings I should feel
Please police my thoughts , while you're at it.

Nay, no, nein, bukan.
None of these places are my home
There are merely residences
Which owners let me have a roof above me
The locations where my flesh prison seek shelter.

Yes, I confess, sometimes I do slipped up
And referred to them as "my home"
But what you do not see or hear
Is me mentally correcting myself immediately
This is not some subconscious wish;
But a mere force of habit that I seek to break

Ah, one day, I will have my own place.
A house, or a pet-friendly apartment.
But no matter what, or where,
It will house only my body
For my heart will not be there
Just as it is no longer any of the places above.
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