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 Dec 2017 Carlyy
A moment cuffs you in the face
like Newton's overstated apple,
and the evening dissolves
into sharp, steady resolve...
You think about the extra drink you should have drunk,
the song you should have sung
and the man whose touch y so missed...

The Muse had disappeared.
**** Muse.

Every time you try to find news you want to *****,
not just a little, but expel the very core of emptiness out of you,
and you picked a fine time to stop swearing
because there is a man whose feel you have so **** missed...

The stars continue to twinkle across the Northern Sky,  
oblivious to the bouncing of our big Blue Ball,
un-answering dreamful wishes;
though, there are other stars lying closer to your heart,
a fresh start and the barbells below...  
And you realize
life is found in the letting go...

And the Muse reappears, smiles an aching, wondrous, Hello.
 Dec 2017 Carlyy
I want to move to
a big city
who's lights provide guidance,
who's places provide endless opportunities,
and who's people allow invisibility.
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
Balance II
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
I can barely open my eyes
Can barely open my mind
Can barely fake a smile

Im not sad nor mad
Just depleted
Utterly defeated to this aching head

The tension rising in the back of my neck
Im slumped forward on my desk
Eyes open mind asleep
I silently admit defeat
As I smile
As I nod
Stifling a yawn
No, a sob

I sit up, grab a coffee cup
Feel the fake energy rush through my veins
Get through another day
My mind in overdrive
My thoughts faster than the speed limit
Unable to slow down

Work hard for the hall of fame
It's a shame, it's just out of arm's reach. You tell me: Persevere
You tell me, to hold on my dear

So I listen and then I go home
I am a mindless drone
I soar, rise and fall
Then float in between

Know what I mean?

So I wonder
At what point
Are we sacrificing too much?
Compromising too much?
And getting too little in return?
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
Andrew Philip
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
Andrew Philip
If you want to know
what is happening
to the world,
don't just watch
the news every night;
watch what happens
to yourself
after watching
the news
every night.
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
and then I asked you,
"What's your biggest fear?"

you gave me a quivering sigh,
looked at me straight in the eyes
and said,

"It's that eventually, you will see me
the way I see myself."
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
Jack Thompson
I get them so bad these days.
Alcohol gets me going and your touch keeps me floating.
Genuine smiles surface and the happiness I keep locked down below begins to bubble.
A tranquil explosion of vivid pastels paint a foreground in my eye.  
Everything seems to make more sense.

It always ends, I've sobered up and you didn't stay.
The happiness that just barely began to bubble now turns to trouble.
I've depressed to find myself lonely, empty and stray.
Is this who I really am without stimulus, without catalyst?
Is it you I'm missing or something more fundamental.

How do you find happiness you desperately need when desperately searching for happiness is so unattractive.

That inescapable fact that when you need it the most it's nowhere to be found.

I'm not fine when it all stops. When it all starts rolling off the edge just as I'm reaching for it. When I'm not able to squeeze a smile worth of happiness through the gates - I'm not fine.

I have withdrawals from my own happiness.
Copyright © 2017 Jack Thompson
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
Melissa S
When the last person living
Takes their last breath
Stares down the darkness
and meets their hour of death
Birds will not cease singing
The trees will still grow
The tide will still pull
and the wind will still blow
The sun will still come out
As will the moon
The leaves will still sprout
and the flowers still bloom
It is only our arrogance
Which makes us think we
are at the axis of all
That we touch and see
Life will go on without us
Year after year
We will just become the people
That once lived here
 Nov 2017 Carlyy
Dara Slick
The air is brand new.
It smells like cold water, and snow,
snow and silence.
I feel the family members creeping up around the corner.
They want to know if I have a boyfriend,
or a job, or a baby.

I have a drinking problem,
a one person apartment,
a long list of things to do.
But I am here.

I smell turkey and cranberries,
and a spilled glass of a sticky beverage.
I see men on the television tackling each other,
and men on the couch yelling at the men on the television.
I hear the murmur of judgmental old bags,
and the wind blows through the empty trees.
I feel the cold bitter air freeze my limbs,
and the dryness of my skin against my jeans.
I taste bitter black coffee and strong golden liquor,
It stings every ***** it hits,
and numbs the rest of me,
inhibition included.

November is here,
to titillate the senses.
empty months that I love so dear
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