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354 · Jun 2019
Nie von hier gewesen..
Caroline W Jun 2019
Scherben in nem eispalast -
Konserviert und eingefasst..
Labyinth aus Licht und Schatten,
Alpträume die sich verstecken
Träume die sie versteckt halten
Den Blick zu den sternen,
Weil nur dort oben keine Schatten sind
An ins Sternbild des Drachen
Weil ich nur dort zuhause bin
Und nicht auf dieser Erde

Nein ich muss aus einer dieser anderen Welten,
Da oben bei den sternen sein -
Kann mich nicht von natur aus um diese sonne drehen,
Keine Ahnung von wo da oben ich herkam -
Oder wohin ich dabei war zu gehen,
Doch Weiß ich das es nicht hier unten war,
Sonst würde sich nicht alles hier unten
Völlig falschrum für mich drehn,
Selbst Tag und Nacht sind verkehrt ,
Zu kurz ,zu schnell und kalt -
Wie alles andere auch ,
Viel zu schnell am vergehen

Es sind nur lichtblitze zwischen all den Schatten zu sehn,
Die die Bilder ein brennen die in diesen Schatten entstehen,
Wie blitze fotos in einen Film -
Jedes davon ein Beweis,
Das ich blos gestrandet bin,
Hier wo Dämonen wie sonst engel aussehn,
Wo alles sich gegenseitig frisst,
Und allein Wahnsinn fähig macht,
das alles lang genug zu überstehen,
Um auch nur lang genug das licht,
des wegs weit genug nach oben zu sehn,
Um überhaupt heraus zu finden
Das sterne an nem Himmel existiern -
Hoch genug oben um sich zu verstecken
Vor allem was nicht fliegen kann oder
verzweifelt genug davon ist,
in realen Horrorfilmen zu stehen,
‎um auf der Flucht vor all den Szenen
‎einfach blind nach oben zu gehn,
‎wo eine wand ist ,
beginnt zu klettern,
‎um nur nicht mehr in blut und Asche zu stehen
Fight your way up!
Caroline W Apr 2019
Why you call me angel? Once she asked..
I can't be one - must be the other side
Cause Angels have never be to cry,
they don't get bound with chains,
get hit or ****** till bleed
they don't have any fears to leave someone alone
they never wish they could die
angels don't have to live in nightmares
They don't need to learn how to love pain to survive
they can just laugh and fly away..

No..i said.. you must be an angel
You've just forgotten how you loose your wings
cause only an angel can do what you do to me
Only an angel can make someone laugh
Who never even learned to smile
and take away all this pain and darkness I've been born in
Only an angel can melt a person made of steel to anything that can feel
Only you where able to made a person out of a living robot
So are my angel
My fallen Angel,
shooted down in this hell with broken wings,
But with an unbroken heart,
just covered in dust to avoid the demons all around,
and one day you will get your wings back -
you will get them back and get the call to leave this place,
and the only thing I want
is to grow strong enough
to come with you,
to resist the way just with these wings
you teached me to build out of dreams and beats..
or if I can' least I wanna watch your flight back where you really belong

Ok, so you can call me your angel for real,
but only if i can call you mine,
and if we promise each other
to get together on the flight
She said and smiling cried..

2 years later she got her wings back as she died..
the last thing she asked me for
was to don't stop ,to get ready for this flight,
even alone..

and here I am 14 Years later
14 after she's gone-
And haven't stop trying to fly,
trying to save what she'd left for me
to honour what she has done for me..
trying to become a person like her,
to teach sometimes someone how to fly,
to hold on to my dreams
and ever look up in the sky,
like as hope to see her there -
like she's just gone a moment before.

I just hope she can see me down in here - and I hope she's smiling for what she sees
336 · Mar 2018
Caroline W Mar 2018
So much faces
but the same eyes?
So different
from one second to the next?
Like clockwork at the day,
like a storm of chaos at the night,
like a sister at best friends side,
like a warrior to the rest of the world?
To hard to be the girl to love?
Understand that much, that ya need to love you?

I'm sorry.. it's me -
It's what i am ,or what we where..
'cause i was more than one..
broken as child,
grown in pieces,
splitted by pain,
reforged to one..

...but ever stay what i am..
..a guardian angel with a soul like a prism
329 · Mar 2018
Caroline W Mar 2018
only a hand full of human souls is strong or insane enough, to find the courage thats needed to live for theyr biggest Dream. For this one burning Idea that dosent wanted to left theyr mind for Just a day , since its has been born in These one Moment theyr needs and visions had been unbound and unobserved. Grown to
personal destiny, bound to one endless, sizeless and boarderless passion. even if there can't be more luckyness to feel, as in these moments where those lifelong tracking dreams are bound in touchable , visible, real expieriencable shapes..
...there can't be more pain as in times they seem to be unrealizable or impossible to realize in the way they should.
nothing can cause more vitality ,more love into the life , as to found out how imagination can be formed into sounds, pictures, things..or even full worlds.
and nothing will ever cause more hate for the world around ,the own person and these insane visions , as any step backwards ,anything that (seem?) to separate, stop or just slow down these unique souls while theyre hunting theyr predetermited ever know destiny.
sometimes it feels like draining in your passion - bound that hard to the way to fullfill your visions, that you loose everything around..and with these world around the base and material to realize them.
nothing will ever hurt more as the fear to lost your dreams by getting lost in them ,just while fighting to realize them.
so why are there those driven, hunted, insane souls who choose to live in passion and get thorn between despair and despairing hopes?
cause all these impossible seeming visions are carrying this small seed to become true.. and as long these chance for reality exists, it will endless stoke the fire that burns inside -
it will form new wings out of broken leftovers of the previous ,
dosent matter how much times the old ones got crushed to dust...
and nothing will ever balance out the feeling to fly within the own inner universe while any smallest part of it is coming true..

and no thing exists, that will ever ne able to cause more energy and trust in the fate ahead.. to reach the sky.
246 · Mar 2018
Alice without Rabbit
Caroline W Mar 2018
I'm an Alice all my life,
never grow up and keep my wonderland inside,
needed to fight,
to be allowed to dream,
nothing's more worth that these freedome to be able to dream,
never had a rabbit to guide me -
also my "Pan" has left me early,
just a smiling cat sometimes helped me,
to don't get lost between the dream me
and these real world "me",
chasing my hopes inside o(f) me ,
chasing my dream into the world outside o(f) me,
forever stay this allice -
the one that's not lost without her rabbit
78 · Aug 2024
Last man standing
Caroline W Aug 2024
allone on the battlefield
everybody else twisted or death
the empty circle around me
even enemys dont come near me
now there you are
cant love this sweet face
but i want to fight side by side
with the soul thats behind
so much you remind me
wins full of pain
loosing with a smile
all ends are the same
last man standing
to broken to live
to gifted to fall
sworn sword of the goddess
waiting for otherworlds call
68 · Aug 2024
Caroline W Aug 2024
Music was my refugee,
it let me grow up out of nothing,
it teached me how to dream,
and teached me how to fly,
even my wings are made of it
'cause it's the only thing no one can break

Music was my way out,
out of every pain and fear,
music let me found myself,
and teached me how to loose myself
carried me away with every chord
It chains me to my memories
without feeling jailed in back times
It feelings for those melodies are just
overwriting all those fear back than -
just leave back some scary pictureshots
against all those pain they've been unerasable burned with into my soul

Music teached me how to smile,
how to dream till the day i die,
it told me how badly wrong it was
those darkness i'm born in
music teached me how to ask
for this other world behind

it teached me how to fall and loose
without the question
how to stand up again
42 · Aug 2024
Caroline W Aug 2024
Grown up in nightmares,
daily flashback Memories became
far away nightmares
a life without a chance for dreams
became a life working in my dream
music - tourniquet and therapy has been
but swords once turned
to steelbars for stages
and the tourniquet turned
to the daily reason to smile

so..if you know anyone,
who was never allowed to be a child :
take this person with you,
wherever a stage is in construction..
...and you will see : the inner child still exists..and now it has finally found
the perfect playground to climb and laugh, where music is all around
every minute day and night

and the soul that has been chased by nightmares every step of the day..
...started to chase dreams of stages ,
of once a day build stages
at least once for every of those artists
who have written these songs
so enough of heart and soul,
to work as magic saving lifes

— The End —