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Jonas Jun 2023
you taught me
taught me by example.

To be your honest and most authentic self.
Which made it hard for me to be myself.
I didn't know who I was anyway.
But now I see you are holding yourself back for me,
holding back the questions that must be killing you,
to ask,
"Are you okay, is my child happy?"
The fears of getting left (again), of being unworthy of love.
The fear you inherited, as did I.
Did you fail everyone?
Are you here with me listening, or is your head back in your mothers kitchen?
You have to fight for every word from me.

You taught me to hone my perception, to watch, to listen, to learn
To appreciate living life which always seemed the most beautiful to you,
no matter your circumstances.
You saw things in the sun, the flowers and the birds,
the way clouds shape forms and the wind dances in the trees.
Life was always worth living to you, without question.

So now I notice the tears in your eyes everytime we meet.
I notice how you dress up prettier than to any date you ever went to in the past, just for me.
That you wear the little black bracelet I gifted you to your birthday on a wimp, picked up fom a market stand, passing by ages ago.
It doesn't really go with much,

I notice that you have to swallow your pride and
practically beg for my time, a glipse of my life
chase me, drive me into a corner so I can't evade you
Just so I can keep mine.
It hurts me too to see.

I can't give you what you want,
You hurt me growing up, helped mess me up,
triyng to help
I've always been lonely, always alone, isolation became comfort.
I needed a mother. Someone to take care of me, guide me, force me.
Yes, fight me cause I was the enemey. And I was fierce.
But you couldn't. You were still looking for answers yourself.

I couldn't wait for you to finally find them.
I had to go on, go through without you, build my own stability.
So I build many walls brick on brick, and I stacked high.
Even more between us, thicker than blood.
Because a mothers word is like a sledge hammer.
It breaks through wether you like it or not.
Always hits home, my neglected, angry, lost, little heart.
The world always seemed to much for me.

Yesterday a friend held me and didn't let go, let me escape,
Another let me rest in her lap and went through my hair.
The last time I had that and accepted it...
I can't remember
It's already hard to allow myself peace, worse even love,
but almost impossible to ask for it.

I'm slowly healing now, dancing through streets,
singing along to music so the neighbours can hear
Being my most authentic self without any forcing or faking.
Bringing out my innocent, cheeky childlike side to the light.
A honest smile without hiding the sadness in my eyes.
Trying to be brave to try and evantually fail again.
To walk the world and not look down, nor avert my gaze,
run and hide away.

I'm meeting people who support me, encourage me, push me.
Ther are so few of them, who care.
Maybe to few.
I'm still not very good at it. But it's getting better.

Opening up would still mean breaking my heart and yours too
it would mean hurting you, bringing you to tears again.
I don't want that.
You've been hurt enough, I've hurt you enough.

I can't take care of you. I can hardly do so for myself.
I'm still unable to cry for myself. Even when I try to push it.
I don't think things will ever be okay. I don't think we will ever have a family. That's not brokem.
But that's okay.

Honestly I don't think I really want to be fine.
I don't want to be fixed.
It's a part of me. This is me.
It has been for such a long time, I wouldn't know what to do without it.
It is my strenght and my weakness, my anchor and the strom.
My cage that I'm trapped in. Locked from the inside.
It feels safer here. I get to be in control for the most part.

I'm sorry mom,
I'm trying.
But some things can't be undone. Some things stay broken.
It's in the cracks where I  can find the most beauty in life.
Jonas Jun 2022
How can you raise a child
when you were never allowed to be one yourself?
Jonas Mar 2024
Dear friends

Of course
I want you to be happy
Suceed in life
Find your place, your people
Be happy whatever it takes

But why
Do I always get left behind in the process
Am I worthless after all?
When is it my turn?
Jonas Dec 2023
I think I understand
I've finally figured it out
How to feel better

I lose the thread
Unraveld to knots
Displayed in my hands

It ends up leaving me
As empty as before
Drops on hot stone
Vaporizing in an instant

Running after firsts
First kiss, ***, realationship
More friends, better friends
Opening up more

Find work, find better work
Don't get sick again,
Stay healthy

Work out,
Get stronger,
Look better

Travel to the other side of the world
Away from what you know
Different places, same ****

What's next on the agenda?
A child?
A family?

Colletreal damage
In the making
The joker is missing from the deck

I need to fix myself first
Unhealthy means unable
To provide and protect
And what am I worth then?

In the meantime
I grow lonely, needy
I get lost again and again
Circumstances are never ideal

Why even bother
Trying to find a suitable partner
Against the odds

Just to let new, old problems surface
Time to get messed up, again
Designed to fail from the start
"Don't fall for the first person you meet"

You can only go step by step
For so long
What steps to what end again?

How can I be stuck
In a stalemate?

All I asked for was
To be better
To be heathy
And to be at peace

Where did I go wrong?
I followed my instincts
Trying to do the right thing
Like everyone else

How am I supposed to walk the right path?
It remains hidden in the dark
Next to all these bright ones
Out shining me

I'm left guessing
And I'm guessing wrong

If I look up
I still can't see the summit
Hidden in the clouds

If I look down
I get dizzy from the height
Seeing how far I've come

The further I go the thinner the air
I'm out of breath, of will, of life
A lack of substance

If I think to much
About the path I'm on
All the crossroads and obstacles ahead
I panic and trip

If I manage to hold on
To take a moment
and catch my air

Then it s that I can see
Just for a glimpse

How beautiful the view
And exciting the journey

Before I go on
Get back to managing it
Jonas Sep 2023
air it out
or it becomes obsessive truth.
Maybe my mom was right,
maybe all my problems are generational heritage,
ancestory leftovers for me to digest.
Genetic code unfolded into chaotic synergy.

Maybe things just happend
to me.
No fault no big wrong decisions made to be found
for everything to fall back to.
No point in looking,
stressing over it anymore

Maybe I just got unlucky,
a bit mistreated from time to time.

Wouldn't that be nice?

An inconvenient preset of character
butterflies set in motion.

How am I supposed to live with that tho?
With no one, nothing to blame.

You can't just always let it go
and accept.
Give me a logic explanation so I can move on.
Jonas Jun 2023
Words just seem to come to me
on the fly
materialize out of nothingness

If they feel like it
that is,
They're a bit picky.

Till I find an order that sits just right
in my head
Although it might no seem that way to you.

I guess it's called style.
Jonas Apr 2022
Do you ever watch yourself becoming someone
you don't wanna be,
don't wanna end up as,

But you can't help it, can't stop it
just try to hold on
because of other peoples actions?

Staying kind while going through life is hard
I am the monster you created
Jonas Jan 2022
what is life?
shut up
Jonas Feb 2021
A diary
for the broken ones and the fixed
for the yearning
the lost, the found, the loving
and the trapped
the free spirits of this world
and maybe the next

laid out before you
a map of it all

collect them
all these perfect little moments
hiding in plain sight
waiting to be found
keep em
but let them stay free
Jonas Feb 2021
emotions put into thoughts
thoughts into words
(play around)
words into you
(emotion again)
now you can feel them too
your turn
P. is emotion turnend into thoughts, expressed through words conveying emotions yet again for someone to relate and resonance to.
It's also a game.
Press Play
Jonas Sep 2023
Polaroids on the window
in the wind

Light shining through memories.
A puzzle of moments of us,
rays of the past
shininhg on my pillow
where my head rests at night
worring, spiraling,

without you.
Jonas May 2024
Currently there are 7164 known languages
Spoken in the world
Most use words
Some sounds, some signs
Some are almost dead, some sparkle full of life
Sometimes they’re used to freely too
Words hold power, mind you
So think before you speak!
Or at least apologize after you’ve done the deed

Sorry I misspoke
Sorry, I don’t understand
I don’t speak your world
Bodishi, ar mesmis
No entiendo
Try to get by with hands and feet
Flash a smile
Can you teach me maybe?

So many different ways to say hi and goodbye
I miss you, I love you and it’s over
It’s not your fault, let me help!
Or what about lunch?
What’s the most spoken phrase?
Is it hello?
I’m sorry or maybe thank you after all?

I can’t wait to hear sounds I’ve never heard before
Speak of familiar things

What would I be like in your language
Who else could I be?
Show me my name
Send me a sign
A glimpse of your life
A moment of your time

I’d like to try it on
And try to make it mine

Talk to me
Jonas May 2024
Dear David USA, NY

200 pairs of socks owned, the crazier the better he says
I'll have them all
Been a president already for 15 years and stil going strong
They're still counting
On you

It takes about 6 cups a day for him to warm a heart
Learn from the Italians David!
Glasses of wine aren't ment to be counted
4 cats, 2 hedgehogs, 1 goldfish
Make for a big family
Sounds like a good one

Just LOVES the ocean and the snow he says
To cool his mind with something beautiful
Find peace in the vast
And watch the reflection shine a little light back into your life
Let it brighten your day
Maybe we need more men who love in capital letters

So many numbers make up a life
The stroy basically writes itself
It's right there
All you have to do is take a moment to look
Imagine a screen, watch it unfold
Try to hold on too
Numbers add up fast
If you're not careful
And blink twice
Present becomes the past

Stay safe and smile bright
Jonas Sep 2023
I am a mold,
Clay to be folded, kneaded, hardend, softened and burned,
to be formed by the tides and the wind
Layer by layer added and scraped again
to break and to be fixed

I am what  I consume
My enviroment makes me
shapes my personality
At the time
The movies  watch, the books I read, the characters I envision
become the traits of my everyday demeanor
One, two, three faced
Living under curtains, quick glimpses from under the mask
Gemini personified

If my opinion, my beliefs, and through this my being
are influnecend so easily,
hand crafted, tailored for every stituation and encounter
Is there even such a thing as identity?
At what point do I lose myself through adaptive behaviour?
Who am I without you?
What's a reflection without the mirror?

Who is the true version of me,
the one you see or
the one  that comes out when no one's watching?
Jonas Mar 2024
She said she likes to play
Likes to puzzle
I said okay
Let's play your game

Acting condfident
Feeling terrified

She'll leave me in pieces
Wishing and wanting
Torn apart
If she kept a piece for herself
I'll never be whole again
Jonas Mar 2022
The perfect lighting,
in the perfect mood
to take my time
and shoot some nudes

I just have no one to send them to.
Can I send them to you?

Consent :D
Jonas Mar 2024
There is freedom in the dark
To be found
If you turn away from the light
If you stop trying so hard

Stop hurting yourself
Putting up a fight
Scraping your knees
Running and stumbling
Chasing what's shining to bright

I'd like to try
For a little while longer
If that's alright
Jonas Oct 2023
If the human race is a species
based on community for it's survival,
why are there mechanisms,
that make living together harder?

When mating and reproduction
is my basic,
animalistic task in life,
then why is there a feeling like embarrassment
or shame
that stops me,
freezes me in my tracks?
Preventing me from fufillment

If evolution is adaption to the enviroment
why is the system so inconvenient,
so complex and fragile, unintuitive
why am I so flawed?

Our survival measures can be as dangerous to us
as the threats they protect us from
Survival makes up most of our life
You either build up, maintain, protect or recover.
Happiness is not necessary part of that desgin,
desirable yet not crucial to the construct,
a mean to an end.

Why is there a build in conflict of interest
between my body and mind
me and myself?
What I need versus what I want?

What's the point
to all this complications,
to all this struggle?
My life is designed to end, sure
But then why make it so hard,
so easy to become miserable
and so hard to remain fulfilled?

Society is the logical answer to survivability
against nature.
But it's also feels like poison
Poison to my mind,
polution to my bones.
Jonas May 2024
When will we be finally able
To bottle

The silence of mountain tops
After a long walk up and the wind just drops
That smell
After the first summer rain
Just stopped
Of fresh cut grass and fig leaves in the sun
The bite of a cold winter night
And the taste of your lips on mine?
Jonas Sep 2022
I used to be a dreamer

At night or day

I'd make shapes out of the clouds in the sky
out of fire places and amber cracks,
out of the wood planks of my bed at my mother's place
and the bathroom tiles on my father's floor.

I'd listen to the stories pigeons coo
and what the wind whispers in the willow trees
If you'd cared to stop and listen.

In my worlds I'd be the hero
of course.
I'd be strong,
Come out on top.
Untouched by all.

I can still see those shapes
but I have to make myself look.
I've lost that innocence.
People made me.

I'd like to be a dreamer again.
But it gets lonely
getting lost in your dreams.

How much longer
can I
Jonas Aug 2022
I stood still for a moment,
my bad

I've forgotten how it felt
When I don't busy myself
all the time
When I don't cloud my mind
with insignificant things

I'm burned out to the foundation
The easiest tasks are mountains to climb
with no energy left, nor appettite or joy
There's a  constant weight on my chest
a hohle in my tummy,
and a heart beating so fast
for a body this numb

It beats "you're not good enough"
my breath whispers "pathetic"
my hands scream "how useless"
without the energy to make a fist.

Gravity is a merciless foe
pulling you down, inevitable
Sleep means unconsciousness,
not rest
At least a little peace

I do my best to give you the love you deserve
to show you what you're worth
as no one did before

I'm scared  tho of my growing indifference
You're begining to annoy me
when I should be welcoming your love
As you love me like no one has ever done before
like I've  been wanting to be loved
for all the time stuck up in my room,
Selth loating, piting myself
"pathetic," in ,"pathetic" out

my bad,
it's a losing game
Jonas May 2024
Soldier boy
Be a good boy
Chained up
To your little hut
Closed off space
Only a yard or two to pace
Back and forth, back and forth

They raised you well
Only one purpose
All bark and bite
At everything that's new
That smells, seems strange

It's all you've been taught
All they see you fit for
How could you be anything else
Anything more?
Do you have any friends?
Does anyone come closer
See past the shell
Unafraid of the pain you promise
Gently offering you a hand
Trying to make peace?

What a lonely life you must lead
Dear leader of the pack
I hope soon things will change
And turn out for the better
May you find kindess, a little freedom even
Locked away from the world
In your cage
Jonas Sep 2023
Die Straßen ziehen vorbei
Licht an Licht wie fallende Sternschnuppen vorm Fenster.
Bei Tageslicht, Abenddämmerung, Sonnenaufgang
ein neuer Tag.
Bäume, Häuser, Felder,

Die Materie meines Landes wiegt mich in die Schläfrigkeit,
Das Buch in meiner Hand fällt in meinen Schoß
Immer noch dieselbe Seite,
bin immer noch nicht weiter.
Der Inhalt unverändert unbegreiflich
Mein Atem geht zum Rhythmus der Schienen unter uns.
Wir fliegen zusammen und doch bleibe ich allein.

Augen zu, Augen auf
du hast geblinzelt.
Ankunft, Abfahrt
du hast geblinzelt.
Auf ins Neue, ins Unbekannte
oder doch zurück zu alten Gegenden?
Durch die Entfernung wieder neu erlebt.

Kommst du jetzt wieder zurück?
Hast du genug bekommen,
Antworten gefunden auf die Fragen die du nicht fandest?
Die du nicht zu stellen wagtest?
Die dich trotzdem quälten?

Du warst zu lange fort,
deine Heimat ist noch hier,
aber Hier ist nicht mehr dein Hier,
längst ein anderer Ort.

Du wolltest alles hinter dir lassen,
trotz der Angst dann zu viel zu verpassen,
Hauptsache weg, weg von hier
dachtest du hättest nicht viel zu verlieren.
Allem entfliehen, Pause, Neuanfang
Ohne genau zu wissen was dieses Alles überhaupt war.

Hast du es nicht ausgehalten letztendlich
so ohne sie, die Anderen?
Im Nichts, im Nirgendwo auf eigenen Wegen zu wandern?
Einsam im Herzen hast du dich wieder verrannt
Im Herzen stumpf, die Seele verbrannt.

Nun kommst du wieder,
um zu sehen was  noch übrig ist
Zurück zum Alten, Vertrauten, Selben
Wir sind aber nicht mehr die Selben
Du ja auch nicht.

Alles wieder etwas anders, verschoben
Wieder ein bisschen auseinander gelebt,
voneinander entfernt,
weitergemacht, natürlich, nur halt ohne dich.
Schade eigentlich.

Doch nun schließ die Augen, schlaf
Gestern war auch ein neuer Tag,
Morgen wird noch kommen.
Wer nie ankommt der reist für immer,

Naja, wenigstens auf Schienen,
und noch nicht entgleist.
Jonas Mar 2021
I'm living life
I'm doing fine
I'm in control

Something happens
something I do perhaps
a decision, a mood, an impulse
maybe someone

I stutter, stumble
fall right out of it
head first to the concrete

Everything is wrong
the movments of my body
the placement of my feet
what is reality?

Top down view
front row
what a **** show

Everything is to much
peoples chatter humming, building up
sun light blinding to my eyes
stop looking at me

Here we go again
take it from the top
more like bottom, crawling up

Does it get better or worse
easier or harder
strong or weak
whith each run?

What's the grand prize?
Everything feels wrong again
It's groundhog day all over again
Jonas Apr 2022
Every day screams

give in,
give up,
give in,

into my face.
Jonas Jan 2022
Get up,
brush your teeth,
make your bed,
and clean the dishes,
clean your room.
Take out the trash
Work out,
eat healthy,
Go to work,
get it done.
Just one more week,
Get up.
Jonas Oct 2023
and my body

We aren't friends anymore
my mind that is, me
my emotional state

We share the same space
share our time,
the same resources

A constant struggle
of achieving equilibrium
they keep dialing in,

Wishes, plans, goals
expectations and energy
call it fine tuning

always compromised
Jonas Mar 2024
It's a sacred matter
Our holy fight
An anniversary

The remnants of yester year
I wear them like accessories
What's the weight?

My dark persona
Always wanting and hungry
A loyal companion
At my side

Sometimes at heel
Sometimes far off
Roaming free
Out of sight out of mind

No worries
It has my scent
It will always find it'S way back to me
No point in trying to outrun your own shadow
Jonas Dec 2023
It feels like

They pushed

Too often
Jonas Jun 2023
If a god exists,

then he put some people on this earth, just to show others
how good life could be
if everyone would life up to their potential
Be truely good in their actions and honest in their character
To inspire, suffer and lead by example.

And than watch them be dragged down through the dirt,
raised up beyond believe.

To be burned at the stakes.
Jonas Jun 2023
cause peace was never an option
Jonas Aug 2022
How many differnet scents
can a book take on
over the course of it's lifetime?

A new addition
to your treasure cave
Stories wanting to be found
Jonas Dec 2023
Here I am, again
Getting the universal feeling
Of not getting what I deserve
Shocking I know

Of not getting out what I put in
Getting back what I give
Aren't I silly?
Do I deserve?

I try to do everything right
When possible
And of course I fail
So do you I suppose?

Be kind, be supportive, be there
Help out where I can
Listen, give advice,
Try to remember the important stuff
All that's so fleeting to my mind

Check in with you,
"What are you doing today?"
Bring little gifts
Show you how much you matter

Show how much you mean to me
Through my actions and letters
"You've been on my mind"

Offer my shoulder, my ear, my hands, my thoughts

Make myself likeable,
Make myself calm, soft
No threat here, no anger
A safe space

Compromise for others
Often without being asked
Or thanked for
Appreciation is hard to come by

"Please don't forget about me
Please include me
Please don't leave me behind"

Sometimes I get bitter
Sometimes I feel empty and weak
And don't have much to offer
Seclude myself to safety
But I try don't I?

I don't see you doing it much
You apologize
You promised better

Yet you forgot my birthday again
Like last year

It's okay I do it too
No bother
I should have reminded you

Yet you didn't find time to visit me in the hospital
When I had to learn how to walk again
No promises for the future

It's okay,
I hid how bad it was
How could you have known
When I was only gone for half a year

Yet, if I don't write first
Then there is no conversation?

I have to announce to the world
Exactly what is wrong with me,
For you to listen

I have to show up
On your doorstep
In crutches
And wait for you to let me in
For you to see
Are you even there?

You know me,
You know my struggles and my compassion
You know my shadows and that
Often they're stronger than me
And dark thoughts take over

So why do you forget about me
So quickly?
Why don't you send a little love?
A litle goes a long way for me

To know I don't have to do it all alone
Like I used to be
To know there is someone
There for me too

A little warmth in my chest
Against the storm of my mind
A little light against the shadows creeping
A little company for the hohle in my tummy
Of fear and insecurity

But it's okay
I'm used to it right?
Gotta be more patient,
Gotta go on giving,
Go on
Compromise, how to

My anger isn't justified
Jonas Mar 2024
Speak up?

Forming the words
Sounds embarking
From my mouth
They're going on a journey
Of their own

What's on your mind
Do tell
Make yourself seen
And heard
Talk it out?

I'll swallow them down
Push it down deeper

I still have my pride
Jonas Jun 2023
But have you tried happiness,
peace of mind,
A healthy soul?
Jonas Mar 2024
Will I ever not be
Back on that school yard
Or in my mothers kitchen?
Back in that prison of thought?
I'm always under fire in my head

All my escape plans go in circles
It's roots run deep
They'll never see the light of day
Jonas Jun 2023
You bring with you so much light, so much life,
it hurts sometimes
I try not to flinch away from the heat.
I have to avert my gaze.
You can't look into the sun for to long without going blind.
You leave me blindsided

Now I think I understand how Icarus must have felt.
Before he fell.
Jonas Mar 2024
Don't be boring
Don't be weird
Entertain me, suprise me
Do you like what you see?

I need you to be bold
Take risks
Listen to what I have to say
And then remember
Read between the lines
You'll need to know when to ignore me

Respect me
Don't overstep
But put me in my place
Show effort show you care
Care for me
But don't try to hard now boy
You're coming on to strong
I need a man
To misstreat me right

All men are bad
I'm my own person
I don't need you
Are you still up?
I feel lonely
Come on over
Tell me what to do
Tell what you want

Please stay
Don't leave me before the morning comes
Do you have a shirt I can borrow?
I'll ghost you tomorrow
Can't look in the mirror
Trying to safe face

Beyond all reason
I'm still trying again
Still trying to feel safe
Learning to let myself go in your embrace
Jonas Sep 2023
How does it feel,
when you've learned to make yourself accpeted, included and liked
by making gifts to others?
When you feel like you have to earn your worth, earn your place?
Always think of others, their needs, help them, care for them,
you keep going out of your way to please.
Without even being asked to.

Literally no one asked, why do you still do it?
No appreciation to be found
yet you still give more, do more, spend more.
Till they excpect it from you.

Just to watch your gifts be tossed aside,
become forgotten and expired.
You can fish them out of the trash later.
Frame them, added to the collection.

Be grateful you can still be around.
No one likes you anyway right?
You're nothing but tolerated.
Leftovers, appendege, third wheeling.

Be grateful. at least you're not completly worthless and alone,
Does that sound right
to you?
Jonas Dec 2023
You make me laugh louder
Than anybody else does
And making me feel safe with you
Just by being near me

I can tell you anything
I can be anyone with you
I can trust you,
Even depend on you

High in contrast
To my usual life
You came into my life so easily
A friend send to me by a friend

A summer breeze
Cominig through a slight gap
In the window
Bursting it open

Letting in the light
Jonas Jul 2021
Awaken children.
We have a long day ahead of us.
more sadness,
Time to go.
Nostalgia soon will follow.
Of childhood dreams well spend.
You'll get to sleep again.
Awaken children.
Jonas Jun 2022
When I work I burn out
when I stop working my mental issues surfcace again.
When I go to therapy my life is nothing but work and mental issues.
Jonas Sep 2022
A man waks his dog down the street

watch me dump ****
let's worship each other
Jonas Aug 2023
I have a natural talent for causing chaos,
causing mayhem
A masters degree in clumsiness,
Been practicing it my hole life really

All those white shirts stained
right after the first bite
Eating my meals next to the plate,
glass shards shattered on the floor
Freshly opend cans filled to the rim flooding over
The sock that fell into the tea
The locked doors and forgotten details,
tokens, mementos left behind

Corners and doors hugging me tight on my way out,
a quick stabbing pain,
it's pull not push
Appointments lost cause I got it wrong,
wrong time, wrong place
the ungathering

Even more so when I'm tired or put on the spot
the chaos of first meetings, first dates spilling out into the world

Arrogance is not an option
for me
this disposition of mine
keeps me sane, keeps me humble

It grounds me
this constant pull of gravity.
Jonas Jan 2022
I really wish I could cry sometimes, you know
For my on sake, not that of others
Be it real or fictional

I have a hohle in my tummy, my chest
and it's aching

If I had someone, if I had you
to hold me close at night or day
If you would be mine, and I would be yours
Could you save me?
Or would I just drag you down with me?
Into the mud
Jonas Feb 2021
Aufstehen, von der Sonne geweckt

der erste Kaffe steht bereit
Katzen die sich in Gärten strecken
du liest ein Buch, das tu ich auch
die Hängematte, schwingt zwischen den Tannen
Tauben zirpen, Zickarden gurren
dein Eis schmilzt und tropft
sonnengebleichte Haare steht in die Richtung des Windes
braungebrannte Haut schwitzig, später salzverkrustet
Sonnencremduft, an uns
Pommes rotweiß an den Fingern, klebrig
die Sonne blendet, ist  schon okay
Wellenrauschen, tobende Kinder kreischen
Sand zwischen den Zehen
du neben mir auf dem Handtuch
gemeinsam dösen
gehen wir nochmal rein?
Gösser, der letzte Schluck
ein bisschien zu warm
Dämmerung Barfuß auf dem Fahrrad
Lagerfeuerrauch in Augen und Nase,
blaue Flamme Knack zisch
weinrotgefärbte Lippen, Zungen so schwer wie der Kopf

Bis morgen!
Jonas Mar 2023
The first rays of warm sunlight
on your skin
after the winter break.

Feels like a warm embrace
when your body is starved of touch.

Hints of fresh air
as petals blossom
and the sea water starts warming up.

Let's meet,
Let's revel
Oh to live again.
Jonas Apr 2022
she jumped from the coffins lying in the window screen,
death casually says hello,
while we're strolling through the city
but when it comes knocking for real,
racing right up to her,
she stays still.
Jonas Aug 2023
Growing up
I didn't believe them when they said kindness
be'd strength
I always took it for weakness,
for vulnurability
Leaving yourself open like that ...
it's just asking to get used and hurt.

But how can it be weak
when you're facing viloence head on
with a gentle smile on your face
standing steady against the storm
Your feet buried in the ground
stubbornly saying
"I will not budge,
I will not be corrupted by your petty anger"

When you choose to stay kind
against the odds and bad experiences
You'll have to sacrifice, take hits
Again and again

Against spite and ignorance,
arrogance and self pity
Often standing alone
without much support or empathy
Cause people are scared and hide away
Compromising to avoid conflict

In a society of mistreated souls,
of misunderstandings
where we just keep lashing out and passing the blame,
the responsibility
A couple animals locked in the zoo
who can scream the loudest?

Here it is that I choose
to stay kind
Jonas Jul 2024
Skin on glass
Day dreaming, I'm not sleeping
Sweaty ***, another train ride
I get up in the morning
To late, to bad
Bad times
Continue to frown

I feel like I've grown
Up,  a little after all
In time, still always to late for the call
Missed so many meetings, opportunities
Are you still up, still there
For me?

What is it all for
What's the point
Where did I go wrong?
Exit the lane at the turnaround

The pain and the struggle
The everyday hustle
Wearing clean, white silk on a ***** body
***** mind
Filled with garbage to the rim
Hit me baby, one more time

That ***** needs some pounding
Feel me, fill me out
I'm empty and worn, all bottomed out
Choke till I blush red for you
Like I used to, back then
When things still ment something
To me, to us
Give me a good reason why breathing feels so hard now

One more day
And then I'll wake up
My life is the dream that I am living
I've never been in control of my dreams
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