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Praise is near
I can see it out of the corner of my eye
It comes with a new dawn
Nothing is built to last
Empires fall and civilizations crumble
All I can do is wash my hands and hope this fight can be won
Through all the sacrifice
It's been a long time coming
The odds are stacked out of favor
But I will push, fearless and uncompromised

This is what all of the writings in the bathroom stalls were philosophizing
It's endured the pain that every soul out there has known
You can feel it as your heart pounds
It lives in the things we can't let go of that we use to fuel our fury
It sleeps in our memories and cringe worthy heartbreaks  
You live and learn

From the beginning of time with human kind in the womb
To the end of all being whispering its final words
It guides the ones who refuse to follow the predetermined paths
The ones who never had a chance
It's in all of us, believe it to keep it alive

Never give up in the face of doubt or ignorance
You've made it this far, you've become stronger
Revisit the time when you were knocked down
Forgive all the letdowns and never forget your promise to yourself
That you'll establish your name with every ounce of strength

Strike up the flame that kills every shadow
That glows with unconditional love
That one that creates the passion for life
 Mar 2016 Ann M Johnson
He's slowly fading away
deeper into the dark void
He shouts my name, screaming, kicking and thrashing about,
arms outstretched towards me
I try to save him i really do
But he's falling deeper now
growing smaller and smaller by the second
His face blurs through my teary face
If he dies you will die with him, my subconscious screams at me
but it was to late,
When reality hit me.
When i came to realise that it was not he who was falling, but me.
Deeper and deeper i fall into the void, arms outstretched towards him..
although who is he?
He is no one but from my own fantasy
It was all imaginary
His face
His arms
His voice
His existence
The only thing that is real is that i'm falling deeper and deeper
I've lost my mind they told me,
I smile through my teary face, as i reach closer to death,
They were right, i did lose my mind, i listened to to mind and not my heart, so now ill pay the price;.....
With my life
Follow your heart even if your mind says differently....
 Mar 2016 Ann M Johnson
She was a rose dying internally,

No one recognized her suffering,

All that mattered to the world was themselves…

My first poem
Let me take you down in the morning
Let me take you down at night
Let my hands flow over you
Let your lips be my delight

Let me lose my inhibition
Let me see your exhibition
Let us entwine our fingers
Let us not wait now or linger

Let me lay now with your silence
Let the stars decide who we are
Let the moment never wither
Let not time now come to Mar

Let me love you in the morning
Let me take you down tonight
Let my hands now be one with you
Let our dreams now take to flight
a tribute to
Vivian Francesca Jarvis

Allow me please some bragging rights
Of this I will attest
My mom's a brave, accomplished gal
She's one of the Best

Born to be an actress
A director and a coach
She starred in Joan of Arc
I have the right to boast

She's been in countless films
A career of great yield
She played with Sydney Poitier
In Lilies of the Field

She is a character actress
Won many awards
To hear her tell her tales of stage & screen
One is never bored!

Not only an actress
My mom's an activist
League of Women Voters
There is quite a list!

She stood up for the poor man
And during Vietnam
She directed guerilla theater
And was threatened with a bomb!

Someone threw a rock
With a note attached
Saying a Molotov Cocktail
Would go through our window next!

She's had trials and tribulations
Depression. Migraines long
But she always rose above it
The Show Must Go On!

Now she is still acting!
Though West Nile Virus took its share
Of a once sharp memory
And she's in a power chair!

She starred in Mother Courage
And truly this is she
I am grateful for my mom

and proud as proud can be!**

Catherine Jarvis
(C) 3/6/2016

Albeit a bit early. The actual date is
Sunday May 8, 2016
But my mom's been SO good
I descided to celebrate early!

Forgive me for kinda bragging here
but my mother IS an exceptional woman
Talented in SO many ways!

You can look her up on Facebook
Or the internet

Butterflies do not cocoon
Only moths are of that sway
They instead do the Chrysalis
They were born to be that way

So next time you write that line
Put up a disclaimer I say
Only moths cocoon in time
Butterflies don't cross dress that way
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