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She walks down this path so many Mothers have walked before her,
Crisp uniforms line the path..a heavy heart..Tears in her lap.
An American Flag snaps to attention as if to say we know your pain Mother, but we don’t.
Through this all, she carries on the pride and resolve despite an unthinkable loss.

The twenty-one gun salute resonates through every city in America
Reminding everyone to take a moment to honor this fallen son.
On the 6 O’clock news Taps plays on every television.
And we shake our head in disbelief.

An unbroken line of Patriots that passed before him,
Line the stairway to heaven to welcome their brother home.
And a banner hangs in Moms living room window..Displaying  one Gold, two blue stars
“Lord please bring my boys home safely”, she prays

I hope you’ll think of some of the reasons why our brave sons & daughters make the ultimate sacrifice…..Here are just a few……..

The American Flag
Our military men and women
America the Beautiful
Land of the Free
Home of the Brave
4th of July
Memorial Day
The Bald Eagle
Free Enterprise

God Bless America!
In memory of my good friend Billy Brown who died March 29, 1970 in Vietnam and In Honor of the American Gold Star Mothers.. For their Sacrifice & Patriotism!
She wrote me
and my memory
cannot write her off.
Ma ; 23 years and still counting
They lived in a cave with darkness and fear.
They lived in a cave with anger and sneer.
They lived in a cave with comments too might.
They lived in cave but not till tonight.

He yelled and he stomped waking them up.
He called and he gathered feeding their minds.
He rallied the many that followed his lead.
Surprise I was well I couldn’t believe.
There are thousands of people that dislike my heartbeat.

They lived in a cave and now they are free,
The words that are spoken aren’t filled with glee.
They lived in a cave and now they demand,
That my kind should leave for this is their land.

But how can I vacate this land of the free,
For my roots are embedded with indigenous plea.
Confused I am left not knowing whom to greet,
Will they extend a hand or spit at my feet?
The more that I wonder the more that I fear,
The lives of my people aren’t safe and its clear.

They lived in a cave but now they’ve come out
They lived in a cave and now there is doubt.

Should we leave?
Should we stay?
Or, should we dig our own grave?

Should we stand?
Should we pray?
Should we fight our own way?

They lived in a cave but not anymore.
That cave has been filled with the hearts of the poor.
They lived in a cave but now they have hope.
His followers will rise and we’ll have to cope.

He called us the plague that infested the land.
Well, I disagree and for that I can chant.
I will fight, I will stand.
They will not cut my wings.
I will rally and scream until we are free.

They lived in a cave and now they are free,
To speak all the nonsense and bigotry.
I thank him now for he’s proved my point,
The minority is not liked, and racism reborn.
Lest you find yourself amongst the bones,
Mask your face and quiet your soul.

Flock in lines of the mundane and meek,
Zip your lips, peacful keep.

This genocide of individuality is perverting our kind, incestually.
Perfect patterns, mechanically, processed, soundly.

The flawed are pushed aside,
The individuals are boxed up, shipped out, Pariahs.

So, don your masks, one and all!
Suit up, and watch your sheeple fall.
Waiting in the car. Pariah is my favorite word... Of the day.
 May 2016 Ann M Johnson
Waters pour
From clouds on high
Restoring life
To a world so dry

I long to be reborn
Like the grass and grain
So I kick off my shoes
To dance with the rain
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