33/F/USA She and I never met,
but my grandma was a poet.
It was meaningless to me, until recently,
I read some and they spoke to me.
Now I’ll try my hand at writing poems grand.
Thanks to all who will them read. Please enjoy, but steal them not, I plead. 84 followers / 2.3k words
Life is a matter of perspective And happiness is a choice But the smile I paint upon my face Doesn't mask the sadness in my voice Just because I know joy is inside me Doesn't mean I feel it in my heart I search for peace every single day But finding it is the hardest part It comes so easy for others As it did to me once before It's not that what I have isn't enough It's that I used to have so much more
If you can't find happiness in the ugliness you won't find it in the beauty