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 Mar 2019 BlackAndWhiteStars
thank god i can’t write good poetry
the best poetry comes from pain and hurt if you ask me
so although i can’t write like i used to
at least it means i’m doing alright
hurting is healing
Without you, I fall limp.
I’ve got no mind of my own.
Dead, soulless eyes.
You are my home.
I’m a puppet on your strings.
Every movement you control.
Every word I say.
Everywhere I go.
When I break free,
You reel me back in.
Can someone help me?
I’m not really asking.
I'm there for everyone to see.
Center of attention.
But it's the puppeteer they care for,
Not his invention.
Turn me into the perfect doll.
No complaints.
I'll follow you blindly.
No restraints.
You're the leader,
And I'm the follower.
You're in front of the line.
And I'm just trailing behind.
When you want to be free...
But at the same time, you don't.
With the footsteps of determination and friendship,
together we will carve beauty's eternal pathway.
 Mar 2019 BlackAndWhiteStars
Death lives within these walls.
It seeped up through the attic rafters,
Settled down in the furthest recesses,
And it waited for me.

I know you, Death.
We become more familiar with each passing day.
You are the movement in my peripheral in an empty room;
The whisper in my ear originating from nowhere;
The hair on my arms and neck standing, unprovoked;
The unease slowly building within me.

The cat knows you, too.
I see her watching you as you move throughout the house,
Never turning her back to you.
She is protecting me.
Even when you call her name, she will not leave my side.
She arches her back in warning when you get too close -
Is she warning you to stay away?
Or warning me that you are approaching?

I sense you are getting stronger, Death.
I feel you when you slink up beside me and linger there -
But yesterday you touched me.
It froze me to my soul, and to the spot where I was standing.
Unable to move.
Unable to breathe.
Gripped by a terror I've never known before,
But understand I will know again.

My light is slowly fading into your darkness
And I feel helpless to stop it.
What do you want from me, Death?
And how far will you go to get it?
Salt water rising up
Sweet oysters on silver ships
And I with no coffee
The cherry trees blossom pink,
As the grass beams a brilliant green.
The apple trees are full of white flowers,
Some days, sun fills the hours.
But yet here I stand,
In the rain, once again.
I still enjoy the luscious land.

Yes, the rain pours
Like the tears on my cheeks.
But be astound;
After the rain
There is much more beauty,
And much less pain.
Feelings are like the time of spring.
dağınık günler için
armut şarabı
iyi bir toparlayacı
imtina eden yıldızların
mozerella sohbeti altında
çileğin dudak çatlağına
iyi geldiğini anlatır
dalgakıran şarapçıları
nevi şahsına münhasır
eski aşklar
genç bir martının kanatlarında
süzülür plastik bardaklara

büyük kayalıkların
altında tur atan fümegillerin
dudakları uçuklar
iyi görünümlü, iğdiş edilmiş
aşk masalını solumaktan

aşkta devamlılığı olan
şeytan bir dişil
ya da
eril bir iblis
hazır ve nazırdır
vuslatı hicranlamaya

karşılar sabahı horoz
ses olur keşe

işte o anda
düetler ayeti giderayak
göğün kızları

ateş etme Joe, arabada köfte var...
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