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  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
The floating clouds are merciless with teasing hints of rain.
They blossom like chrisanthemums and sing the same refrain:

"There's moisture in our puffy holds. We'll send it earhward bound.
But the drops dissolve like salty tears before they hit the ground."

They move across the bright blue sky and leave us wilted still.
Oh AUTUMN ... where art thou? This heat's a bitter pill.
B D Caissie Sep 2019
Under the surface what
pain are you feeling?
Secret thoughts that send
your mind reeling?

I will not pretend to
understand your hurt.
That paralyzing sorrow
that leaves you inert.

Suicide is not the cure to
all of life's fears.
Whisper all of your
burdens to heavenly ears.

What mental illness keeps
hidden from view,
He clearly can see the
beautiful you.

B D Caissie Sep 2019
I’d climb the highest mountain peak to greet you.
Can you see?
I’d nosedive my way back down to be with you.
Are you free?
I’d walk through flames for a moment of your time.
Do you care?
I’d wade through ashes of despair to meet you.
Are you there?


My love for you is a slow and steady burn.

My scars suggest perhaps I’ll never learn.

You left me staring blankly in the rain.

Gazing out the window on a slowly departing train...

I know this poem kind of changes but I'm okay with it.
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
Neon lights
Bleed my eyes
I've lost sight
I can only rhyme
Whispering voices
Long day gone
Residue of life
Where’d we go wrong
Giving we gave
Taken we took
Sinners and savior
All in one book
And so we read on
There's no end
To our songs!
Traveler Tim
...I have left this ****** nightmare
In my wake but out of sight
All I want is deviation by design

Out of all the past confusion
Out of all the common spite
Just tell me I am yours 'cause you are mine

Song #3
  Sep 2019 B D Caissie
rain spattered
pavements teeming;
one thousand prismatic shades of meaning

graffiti-laden puddles splish, splosh, splash;
as midnight turns
to blue, and
dawn to

‘I walked up, and I walked down, and I walked straight into a delicately dying sky, and finally the sequence of observed and observant things brought me, at my usual eating time, to a street so distant from my usual eating place that I decided to try a restaurant which stood on the fringe of the town. Night had fallen without sound or ceremony when I came out again.’
- Vladimir Nabokov, The Vane Sisters
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