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Have you forgiven them yet?

The moon,
for it gives you out no secrets.

The stars,
for their beauty
which often hurts your eyes.

The sun,
for it never dies, unlike us.

The dead,
for their silent smile.

Have you forgiven them yet?
I ask

 Aug 20 Billie
 Aug 20 Billie
we played hide and seek by the rivers
and sometimes i would chase you

but never would you chase me
and when i asked why
you smiled because

love to you
was just a game
 Aug 16 Billie
 Aug 16 Billie
I like it the most
when he walks me
to my car
but tells me he doesn’t
want me to leave.
When he kisses me
and then hits his
and smiles.
I like when it feels
like we just started
talking and
as if he hasn’t
seen me naked.

I like leaving,
but only because
I know he will miss me.
 Aug 16 Billie
I have a nice man.

He tells me he misses me
every day,
and apologizes when he
gets too busy at work
to respond.
He randomly tells me
I’m pretty and
kisses me on the forehead.
He almost knocks me off
the bed at night
because he wants to be
close to me
and he comforts me when
I’m sad or scared.
He lets me know how
he feels
and what he’s doing
and checks to make sure
I know he really likes me.
Being with him is like
being wrapped in a warm
blanket in a cozy bed.
He is a safe, soft place to land
and he’s all mine.
 Aug 16 Billie
Sometimes you just
have to go cry in the bathroom
and wonder why you’re
not enough
feel such an intense
pain that only a hug
and love from one person
who isn’t there would solve,
and then go back to work.
 Aug 16 Billie
Flora Felafel
Evil wing in ether beating;
Vultures at the spirit eating.
Things unseen forever fleeting,
Black against the leering sky.
Ghastly shades of bygone gladness;
Clawing fiends of future sadness.
Mingle in a cloud of madness,
Ever on the soul to lie.
 Aug 16 Billie
Flora Felafel
Pain is inevitable,
Suffering is optional.
The crossroads of success,
Is always constructional.

If we could become tress,
Solid and stoic, deep rooted
In Mother Earth's flesh;
We could stand firm
Through the tempest, unswayed.

But we are only humans.
Covered in darkness.
Hiding behind our fears,
Timidly withdrawing from
The ominous tempest.

So, embrace the fury,
The daunting gales that
Once were scary.
After all, you can't
Stop the waves,
But you can learn to surf.

And even if you sank,
Deeper into the void,
At least you'll drown
Knowing there was
Beauty In The Struggle.
 Aug 16 Billie
Peter Balkus
They have children,
they have homes,
they have money,
they have jobs,
they have good cars,
and many more things they want to have.

I have paper and pen,
I have my poems,
that's enough.
 Aug 16 Billie
Peter Balkus
Desire to
desire less -
like fire,
which burns my flesh

and soul.
 Aug 16 Billie
Peter Balkus
In a mirror, we always look older
and we believe that it lies.
We blame it for every wrinkle:
Okay then, you lie, but why?!

How rude of mirror to do so,
like literally in the face!?
We give it so much attention
and what in return? Disgrace!

Or perhaps we do look older
indeed, and it doesn't lie.
Perhaps we lie to ourselves
and maybe we know well why.
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