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 Jan 2019 Bongiwe
 Jan 2019 Bongiwe
We were creating a rose garden
We spent seven months working tirelessly towards it.
Just as the seeds we planted were about to bloom,you decided you didn't like roses anymore.
My love alone wasn't enough to water them.
I write this,sitting in the ruins of what could have been our garden.
All our roses have wilted.
How I would have done anything for 7 more days. Months. Years with you.  To see our garden through. To water & grow it till our hearts didn't beat anymore.
It could've been beautiful.
We could've been beautiful.
Today marks what could have been my ex boyfriend & I's first anniversary. Bummed that this day has come & he's now nothing but a stranger.
 Nov 2017 Bongiwe
The Jolteon
From the fingertips
Of predators
Comes the grip
Of oppression
Only from this tyranny
Can we ourselves
Emancipate and be emancipated
From patriarchy, capitalism, nationalism
This is originally specifically about patriarchy - but patriarchy is inherently tied to capitalism, imperialism, and colonialism.
 Nov 2017 Bongiwe
dear depression
 Nov 2017 Bongiwe
Dear depression,
I was 11 when you forced yourself on me. You never introduced yourself or even asked to be friends, you just took over my life. My happy days were gone, you kept following me around making me feel unwanted.
I did not want you here.
You grew as I grew, creeping into the quiet moments when I thought I was alone. You made me feel like I was nothing. I woke up looking forward to sleeping again - it was my escape. Yet you made my escape so difficult to reach.
I used to be so happy when the sun came out shining on my skin as I ran through the yard and laughed, with no care in the world.
But that laughter turned into tears, the sun into darkness. My heart and soul cries for help as I try to fight you.
You changed me - You keep me in my thoughts.
I'm stuck in a dark empty place that was once my self, but now it's gone. You left me far beneath my tears. You have taken my life away.
Why can't you just be gone already!!! I do not want you here, I never did! You have taken so much, what else do you want from me?!

I don't want you as a friend anymore. I can't take the constant fighting for my life. You ruined me. You ruined my mind, heart, body, and soul. You come back every time but you never leave. When will you leave me? I write sobbing knowing how much you have damaged me. I want you to leave and never come back.

There's not enough room for both of us.
So may the best one win.
Dear ******, you have took so much from me.
You took my will to live.
You took my pride.
You took my faith in humanity.
You took my virginity at the age of 13.
You took my innocences.
You took my safty.
Dear ******, you have destroyed me.
You destroyed my life.
You ruined who I was then.
Dear ******, you have made me live in fear.
I suffer from PTSD because of you.
I suffer from depression.
I suffer from anxiety.
Dear ******, I trusted you and you used that against me.
Goodbye my ****** I hope you enjoy rotting in that cell for what you have done to me.

By: Ash Von Stein
I have been ***** over 5 times in my life. When I was 13 was the first one when it happened. That man was the only one that got what he deserved. The rest are still free because there wasnt enough evidence to put them away. I have lived my life in fear because of these people. I blamed myself every day. After five years I am finally coming to terms with what has happened to me.
 Nov 2017 Bongiwe
 Nov 2017 Bongiwe
I never learned how to heal

I learned whiskey from *****, and love from fear

But I don't know how to pick myself up after I fall

Or fix all the pieces that someone else broke
I smoke **** just like you.
Money gives me greed just like you.
******* makes me wonder just like you.
My parents kicked me out when i was 17 just like you.
I died inside when i turned 13 just like you.
I saw life for what it was a 7 just like you.
I want to die everyday just like you.
I think about killing myself just ljke you.
I don't like money just like you.
I love the moon just like you.
I love the idea of love just like you.
Most important im not alone, just like you.
For everyone younger than my 23 years that's ready to go i feel your pain.
Never sleeping,

Always praying to the stars in the sky,
Hello princess, how are you, my love?
How are you in Heaven?

Reaching for you in my dreams,
Never able to hold you,
Always waking to tears alone,

How can I find a way to move on?
My expectations are too high.
I can never find another you, my beautiful love.

I miss you.

All I want to hear,
is the soothing sound of your heart beating,
next to me under warm blankets in a loving bed,

And to listen to your voice,
saying, I've fallen in love with you,
please, stay with me forever, my love.

Copyright © 2017 Ronald J Chapman All Rights Reserved.
Moonlight Drawn by Clouds - I Miss You
 Nov 2017 Bongiwe
Sam Lylin
I’m sorry I gave up on you
I’m sorry that I needed to
I’m sorry that I left your side
I’m sorry that you always lied

I never should have trusted you
You always seemed so good, so true
I shouldn’t have believed your lies
I should have seen through your disguise

Gradually, you took my heart
Turned my mind to abstract art
Told me how you loved me so
Then stood up to pack and go

Three words I never should have said
That let you straight into my head
I said I love you
I meant I love you
You knew I loved you

Three more words are on my lips
Words I know will never fix
Anything you put me through
Even if you miss me too

I miss you
Or maybe I don’t miss you
I just miss the person I thought you were

Now I don’t know who to trust
‘Cause all we were has turned to dust
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