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 Nov 2018 Zersrol
 Nov 2018 Zersrol
When here
In "Poetry Land,"
I am traveling
To distant worlds
Of the imagination
Mystical and Exotic.

When here
In the "Real World,"
I am a single, childless
Two cats.

I lost my glasses
This morning.
Suddenly I'm back
In highschool,
"In my mind."
Remembering all
The times
I taped them;
Tried many types:
Scotch, Masking, Packing.

Luckily, In my adult life
I'm now prepared.

I dig under my bed
For my "back-up pair."

Checked every corner
Of my small studio
To find that my spectacles,
Just like lost socks,
Have vanished
To Neverland.
 Nov 2018 Zersrol
 Nov 2018 Zersrol
Words stop
Throat shouts
Head whirls
Reality curls

Tears could be shed
In front of their heads
And then they'd know
How deep the hole goes

So I hold it in
Only letting them reach brim
And I pause my head
Check reality instead
I wrote this a while ago
 Nov 2018 Zersrol
JL Smith
I sense darkness
Something hiding behind those genuine eyes
You've hinted at it before--
The fear suppressed inside
I'm not one to pull, to pry
My heart is patient,
My heart is kind,
But know the whispers of your secrets
May conspire safely alongside mine

© JL Smith
 Nov 2018 Zersrol
JL Smith
 Nov 2018 Zersrol
JL Smith
Wasn't it you
Who taught me to believe in myself?
Now I do,
But you don't
And it hurts like hell

© JL Smith
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