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 May 2017 Aurelia
Emma Mecham
I wish you and I was still "we".
I wish we had never turned into "us".
Because if "us" never happened,
then "we" would still talk.
And if "we" still talked,
then you and I,
wouldn't be like "this".
Don’t ever die
youve missed all the shots you didnt make
and youve taken all the shots you can take
now youre down on your knees
breathing hard
hardly believing
that you havent even started the race yet
yet theyre taking bets on your final time
when they can cross you out with a finishing line
as your heart all but beats out of your chest
retiring is for the rich and the dead under a conservative government
 May 2017 Aurelia
dani evelyn
 May 2017 Aurelia
dani evelyn
i used to write poems about our reunion
in some brooklyn cafe
before i knew what distance between us
actually was.
no matter how many times it happens,
i am amazed at the capacity of human beings
to grow together
and grow apart.
what i’m trying to say is,
i miss you.

i used to connect the dots of your freckles
while you spent hours
coaxing food into my stubborn
i was restless and cynical and
i would never tell you when anything was wrong
you had more patience with me
than i deserved

i’ve been convincing myself for years
that you’re nothing more
than an old wound,
but the truth is
there’s a part of me that won’t ever make sense
unless someday, somehow
i see you again.
there is a small place in my heart
that has never stopped
(and i can’t quite convince it
that you are irretrievably gone)

so maybe it isn’t wrong,
maybe one day
we’ll find our way together
and you’ll have grown our your beard
and i’ll have cut off my hair
and i swear
maybe you’ll be wearing
those old jeans
and we’ll talk about the way
i used to untie your shoelaces
under the lunch table

(as if i wouldn’t still
drop everything and marry you
if you would
for m
 May 2017 Aurelia
Edward Fairley
You don't know what's at stake
You know nothing you're a kid nothing more
Think of it this way young child
Where do you work, what do you make

These words were said to me while
I was at a friends house talking to him
About my personal political views
Specifically, I talked about what I found vile

At first I tried to bite my
Tongue for it was wise
To keep my mouth shut
Less I end up brushing her left eye

be honest, what do you make little guy
And I wish she hadn't said that
Asked me to be honest because
When you ask to be roasted I must comply

You want to know what I make
I as a child make adults do better
Because work harder than them
In this way I raise the stakes

I make inspiration In stories in song
In pictures in buildings, in poetry
In my words and in my works
And most of all, in the friends who tag along

I as a child make memories
Make my situation bend to me
Shape my dreams into my reality
And turn my scars into testimonies

like little david, I make giants fall
With love and light, I make darkness flee
Like alexander the great, I win my wars
And in the end,mi don't hurt at all

Through sickness I survive
In the eye of the storm, I fly
In every fatal fall, I rise
And through it all, I live

I may not make that much money
I may not necessarily have a job
I may not need to pay bills
I may not even pay uncle sam yearly

But in the little that I do
As a child becoming a man
I change the world by being a better me
So enough about me, how about you
 May 2017 Aurelia
Edward Fairley
How dare you denounce this man
Though this man has a great plan
Is it because you yourself are a racist man
Or believe what he has is an outrageous demand

How dare you judge this woman's heart
Despite the fact that she is set apart
Is it because she doesn't walk and talk like you
Or is it because in her life that's just your part

How dare you claw at this child's soul
Even though that soul is fragile
Is hurting children your life's role
Or are children just people you like to hassle

How dare you tangle with this general
Whose armies are pure of heart
Are you the leader of dark cults
Or is it he you use them to hurt.

All of these things you say and you do
Do you not realize that love is your due
Instead of the slings and arrows you threw
How dare you not let love joy and peace reign in you
 May 2017 Aurelia
A consideration for the smallest things.

pebbles, sand, birds.

I look down at the smallest things,
and try to express the sudden urge of gratitude
that lays a blanket on me.

fire, sun, warmth.

Yes, they are small.
Yes, most people overlook them.
Yes, most people take them for granted.

water, ice, snow.

The smallest things
Are the things that change us.

See, a few days ago,
I was standing outside in the pouring rain.
A child walks up to me.
She says,
"Miss, are you alright?"
I say,
"I think I am now."

So the smallest things
Are the things that change us.
I think I'm okay now.
 May 2017 Aurelia
 May 2017 Aurelia
The crypt is one thing I see,
A mirror that reflects me.
One that lives is one who hates.
One that died is one love waits.
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