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  Sep 2014 Jessa May
Craig Verlin
I don't know if you ever are awake
late enough to hear it:
the world before it opens it eyes.
If you are able to catch the yawning
echoes of the crickets from
the windowsill where you listen.
There, it is serenity laying in wait.
The silence of nature is never
truly silent.
It hums with the burn
of the not yet risen sun,
shy behind her clouded vision.

I don't know if you ever are awake
late enough to taste it:
the world before it opens its mouth.
Before the morning showers.
That delicate smell, just before rain.
That scent of grass alive in the
shimmer of the morning dew,
alight with the purity of creation.

I don't know if you have
ever witnessed these things.
This beautiful magnificence
creeping in before the
alarm clocks.
I don't believe so,
or else there might be
understanding between us.

That sound of morning.
That smell of rain.
The taste and touch
and sight of a world
we don't know, in the
moment untampered by
the one that we do.

Burn it all.

To allow me sleep one more
morning with your hair
careless on my cheek
and the covers handily
in your possession
as I wrap my arm
around you,

burn it all.
Jessa May Sep 2014
Its a consuming pain
At the chest

It comes in slowly
Establishing its arrival

Then it radiates in jolt

Up the neck and rattles the teeth
Down the arm
Tickling it's skin

No where near funny
It's like falling into am abyss
Jessa May Sep 2014
Every call, every message
I'd wish it was you

Every tap, every blur
I'd wish it was you

Every warmth, every touch
I'd wish it was you

Every voice, every shadow
I'd wish it was you

Every call of my name
I still wish it was you.
Jessa May Sep 2014
I crave for an understanding
Of what I'm about do
Jessa May Sep 2014
It doesn't seem to go away
It's a sadness that sticks

You think it's gone
It's just at bay
It crawls back up
without a sound
Jessa May Sep 2014
I caught your eyes
Set on me
I saw them twinkle
I saw what you could see

I began to feel
What you could see
I felt so beautiful
I could do anything

I felt so precious
The most treasured gem
Had mighty importance
every hair strand

Oh that twinkle in your eyes
It gave me so much
I felt I was your life.
To my vili
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