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Dec 2015 · 210
In my philosophy,
simple questions
ought to yield
complex answers,
complex questions
aspire towards
elegant revelation.
Dec 2015 · 283
Listen 'twist the Words
When others speak,
first consider what it is they're talking about
and then what it is they're saying.

Opinions may differ,
but a truly worthwhile topic
neededn't necessarily be agreed upon.
Dec 2015 · 371
Ideas usurp various limits
by the judicious art
of cross-application.
Dec 2015 · 1.2k
Depth of Character
Each of us is a character
the quality of which
is a measure of how genuine One is
to One's own character
and how recpectful One is to that of others.

Another major factor
is whether or not One's character grows and develops
and if so, how quickly in what direction(s)
and in what relation to One's environment.

The same seems true on
individual, group, cultural or global scales
and probably well beyond.
One is
the protagonist
as well as
the antagonist
in One's own Life story.

To deny this is cowardly
and narcissistic
at best
Dec 2015 · 222
Playful Enlightenment
i don't need this ****"
as always,
inspired to try to be
shall we say
Dec 2015 · 267
Harmonious Tao
Seek thee not Change,
for Change is inevitable.

Seek thee, rather,
Harmony with Change.

therein lies the rub!
Dec 2015 · 316
Why do I bother?"
Dec 2015 · 1.1k
Find it
Every day
may not be good,
but there is always
some good to be found
in every day.

The same can be said
of practically anything.

If you can't find it,
make it.
Once it's there:
nurture it.
Anything less,
one may suggest,
could be aptly called
Dec 2015 · 366
Türen der Tieren
Ein Auge ist 'ne Tür,
doch man ist ein Tier.
Portals of the Beasts

An eye is a portal,
yet one is a beast.
Nov 2015 · 437
I suppose that all depends on who
if, indeed, anyone,
One should ask."
Nov 2015 · 442
Games One's Mind Plays
At least
eighty-five percent *(≥85%)

of what One wishes to think
is but an echo in One's own head.
In jest,
but seriously.
Nov 2015 · 203
Happy Buy-Nothing Day!
7 deaths and 98 injuries later,
I ask us all to enjoy
Buy-Nothing Day.
Nov 2015 · 227
The way I see it
thanks are due
for you being you
and for doing
what you love to do.
Nov 2015 · 852
Pride; Hubris
Fear not Pride.
For, I find,
Pride is necessary
to bring about certain opportunities
by which One may perhaps

I'd wager
t'is Hubris
what beareth truly immediate Danger.

can somewhat force One into various scenarios
wherein One is somewhat forced to come to terms with certain things within one's own Mind, or perhaps socially or philosophically, or some other combinations of the aforementioned and/or hitherto-unmentioned things.

Hubris, by possible continuation,
tends to sway One to overlook certain aforementioned etc. things,
and thus tends to preclude much further character development in sometimes only a few, but much more often many aspects
of one's One Life.

Tragedy indeed!

Tread lightly-
seek always Balance-
whatsoever that may mean to you-specifically-and-only-you
rather than necessarily bowing to preordained notions of Good or Bad,
for such polarity (besides being a false dichotomy)
is, shall we say:
Extra credit: try cross-applying the notions hither implied!

Formal language can be ******* fun!
PS: Apparently swearing in the notes field doesn't force an "Explicit" restriction. ;)
Nov 2015 · 2.0k
Democratic Republic
Ancient Athens
demonstrated a demise of democracy into despair and squalor
at the hands of the voters.

Ancient Rome
recounts a reduction of a Republic into nationalist rancor
at the hands of the state.

The United States of America
is a sort-of culmination of both;
of how a Democratic Republic may fail,
impoverishing and subjugating it's own
as well as it's proximity,
reducing itself and any it can drag with it
from a respectful idealization of Human Experience
to a bloodthirsty, greedy, vapid shell
of Fascisms past.
Patriot enough to wish for something more,
realistic enough to know that 'patri' means "father."

Read 'twixt the lines.
Nov 2015 · 162
is not the absence of Fear;
is the Will to face Fear.
Nov 2015 · 332
"We have not inherited this World
from our long-dead Ancestors.

Nea, we are borrowing against it
in lieu of our unborn Children!"
Nov 2015 · 345
The Internal Hunt
who covers his tracks well
is, perhaps, second
only to One
who leaves no tracks to cover.
What heinous acts
happened in Paris
so recently
happen all over the World
(yes, with a capitol "W")
every single day
and no one ever seems to really give a single ****
until it's a "civilized nation;"
that is to say
a western nation.

Oh, please.

Lest we forget
NATO, the UN, and countless other nations or groups of people
commit far greater atrocities
on a perhaps much larger scale
perhaps much more regularly
and no one talks about it-
yet if they do, and they're of the West,
it's glorified as saving the civilized world
from injustice, tyranny, bloodthirst and corruption.

Why, then, is it okay
for the West to transgress against others
for our own political, economic or simply sadistic goals
and for others to transgress against one another
(and for the West to bet on their strife and rig the odds too)
but then when it's done unto the West,
they're unforgivable evil warmongering savages
whereas the West is just innocent?

What the ****?
Why do we in the Western cult of the World
get to be Judge, Jury, Executioner,
Press, Victim, and Beneficiary?

Sounds kinda ethnocentric to me..

Maybe these attacks
are to violently prove a point
that we are not so different or stratified or separated
as we may wish to think we are.

Maybe they're angry
we refuse to allow them to sort out their conflicts for themselves.

Maybe they're frustrated
with our domineering and permissive Western-world-centric
commodification, dehumanization, and globalized ****
of any resources, people, or land we wish to own
which is so graciously sacrificed by our sacred Mother Earth
for all and any to use-
so many of which so happen to occur
across petty and mortal geopolitical lines
drawn by fingers of Devils
in Gods' sands.

This type of ire and violence
should never be condoned
and I am deeply disturbed and ashamed
by our irksome and shameless
double standard propaganda.

All lives matter.

Regardless of
ideology or nationality.
Regardless of
***, sexuality, skin, dress, or hair.
Regardless of
language, culture, or material wealth.
Regardless of
geography, education, religion, or politics.

I'm certain we've already spilled
at least just as much blood in retaliation.
How many of the dead would have to be innocent for us to even care?

It's a vicious cycle we Humans are pretty "good"at.
Please know that this plea is neither intended to downplay the very real pain nor to legitimize gruesome and tragically inhumane events, but simply to empathize and show solidarity with all of Humankind;
not just our fellow 'Westerners.'

We are all equally Human.
Every ******* one of us.
No exceptions.

Our enemies are extensions of ourselves.
We must allow them to teach us.
To keep killing one another
is to perpetuate our self-inflicted purgatory
as a conscious species.

If we refuse to change,
perhaps we've earned this Hell.

Hold people accountable
for what they do to our planet
and to her life- our lives and those of everything around us:
animals (including Humans), plants, ecosystems, economies, philosophies;
no matter which side of which line they're from
or what name they go by
or what title they hold,
for the Devil's face and name must be known
beyond a shadow of a doubt
to be able to confront the Evil
and have the knowledge, courage and integrity to resist it
and in so doing transcend into Heaven.

I love you all.
Thank you for reading.
Blessings upon thy Paths.
Nov 2015 · 875
Imposing Moral authority
'pon malleable minds
through virtues of
Greed and Vanity.

Real ******' Christ-like.
Not an attack,
simply commentary.
Nov 2015 · 295
Language is limited to the literal,
but is also a tool for the mythic;

tread lightly
when interpreting
and defining.

Keep a fluid mind
as opposed to a rigid one.
Nov 2015 · 293
What greater obsticle
could there e'er be
then One's own Self
and One's mortality?

Aye, therein lies the rub,
that is to say
an opportunity
to overcome
and to grow:
One's very own Dharma,
or dare I yet to say
One's suppos'ed destiny‽
Nov 2015 · 284
By shunning the Devil
doth one feed his spirit.

Through compassionate understanding of his aspect in the cosmic balance
doth one quell the demons.
Nov 2015 · 168
".. I don't know.

I suppose gratitude
in a certain balance
readily lends itself, on many levels,
to happiness."
Nov 2015 · 192
As far as I concern myself;
Life, and everything that may go with it
ultimately becomes a matter
of taste
and technique.

The rest is Luck and Skill.
May the odds be ever in your favor.
Nov 2015 · 271
A Tool's Potentia
Seek to not need the tool,
yet be prepared
so that should ye end up needin' it,
the tool be available.

That's what we in the business call *"potential."
Nov 2015 · 320
Bleeting out
Next time you're waiting
in a long, slow-moving line,
moo like a cow or bleet like a sheep
and see who is humoured
and see who is offended.
Nov 2015 · 219
Realm of Reason
To venture
into the unknown
and back again
is the only way
to expand the known.
Nov 2015 · 216
Life is a spiritual experiment.
Nov 2015 · 195
There is no Truth in your Heart.
You must wait for permission from others
to pursue what you want in Life.
You cannot teach yourself how to be happy.

You must follow in footsteps
and walk upon the set path;
you are not allowed to blaze your own trail.
You must be told how to live and what to do.

There is no Truth in your Heart already.
You must be told what is True by Authority.
You must not think for yourself;
you must act on the behalf of others.

There is no Truth in your Heart;
the only Truth is what you're told.

Go back to sleep.
Go back to sleep.
Nov 2015 · 316
Truth is a set of Lies
agreed upon by those
of a common philosophy.
Not necessarily true, but I thought it was a funny thought.
Oct 2015 · 3.8k
Your Happiness is your own responsibility.
Oct 2015 · 407
Danke Sehr
To all my readers:
I extend to y'all
a most sincere and genuine "thank you."

I'm happy my quirks
are met with such warmth.
Oct 2015 · 388
That Sacred Self-Soverignty
Preclusion of Choice
is **** of Free Will.
Oct 2015 · 2.6k
The only difference
between who you are
and who you want to be
is what you do
Oct 2015 · 420
No one will offer
to take your place in death,
so let no one
take your place in life.
Oct 2015 · 274
"Don't find fault- find a remedy.
Anybody can complain."
-Henry Ford
Oct 2015 · 574
Ear Wrecked - Just the Tip
My band's new album "Just the Tip" went on sale today!
All guitar is played by me. Inquire further if you wish!

It is available at a 95% discount if you use the promo code "rectify"!

Copy and paste the following URL to preview/buy it!
Much love, and blessings upon thy paths, friends.
Oct 2015 · 256
Use of Voice
The surest way
to not be heard
is to not  speak
Oct 2015 · 241
Such trouble is free will!
Oct 2015 · 266
of the Unseen
begets discovery;

is wrought
of blasphemy.
Perhaps a vague homage to Alan Watts.
Sep 2015 · 1.7k
The Finest Art
Life, itself,
is the finest
of all the Arts.

All the others
simply enrich
this cosmic and
ephimeral Art
of Life, itself.

Make no rash mistake;
that is not to belittle any;
but, rather is it intended
to show due reverance
to each and every last one.

All Art is Sacred.
Any act done with Love is Art.

Written on break at work. Dishwashing.
Sep 2015 · 400
Three Simple Rules in Life
“Three simple rules in life.
1. If you do not go after what you want, you’ll never have it.
2. If you do not ask, the answer will always be no.
3. If you do not step forward, you will always be in the same place.” —Unknown
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
Passion- a Van Gogh Quote
"I would rather die of passion than of boredom."
-Vincent Van Gogh
"Show respect
even to those who don't deserve it;
not as a reflection of their character,
but as a reflection of yours."
-Dave Willis
Aug 2015 · 591
Dream Big; Take Initiative
"Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. Time will pass anyways."
Aug 2015 · 286
There's more to language
than spewing negativity.

Show some gratitude;
maybe even reverence.

Reflect. Listen. Grow.
Proceed with diligance.
Blessings upon thy paths,
fellow wanderers!
Aug 2015 · 287
Genre Bias
Fiction is just as real as History:
both are authored,
yet one tends to be more genuine.
Much love, dear readers.
I hope all is as well as it needs to be.
Blessings upon thy path.
Aug 2015 · 681
Making poor decisions is a fact of Life.
Blaming them on others, however, is immature.
One kind word can change a person's entire day,
but beware, for unkind words can do the very same.
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