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  Dec 2014 AllAtOnce
I love you more than anything else.
Don't leave, I need you, we need you.
I'm sorry I wasn't strong enough,
but hear my plea...
Don't. Leave.
-breaks down and starts to cry-
You mean everything to me...
I love you.
It's not too late to stop,
we'll work things out!
Just don't go!
i worry too much...  *sighs*

by the beatles
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
I don't want to fall asleep and see your face
Because that may be my only escape
Because songs make me cry
And when you laugh so do I
So I don't want your kisses in my dreams
I'd give anything to escape this feeling.
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
I never want to stop seeing
Different sides of you
Until the stars all explode and the earth fades away
That will be the only day
Because each one is never the same
And certainly not any two
Because after a while I stopped expecting the unexpected and expecting everything too
I want to run my fingers over your scars and tell you that every one is beautiful to me
Because no matter what I could never see you any differently
Running my fingers through your hair
And memorizing how every strand feels
I want to see every shade of your eyes, if that's even a thing
Seeing every bit of your soul that no one's ever seen
I want to kiss your nose because it's adorable
And tell you that you're wonderful
Because I can and will
And well I guess here I am
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
love is watching glass shatter before you can pick it up
love is slicing open your heart to let someone in and then dripping blood
love is holding something so close even though it hurts
love is trying even though it won't work
but love is also the stitches that pull your heart back together
and the words written on your hands that say "it gets better"
love is the butterflies in your stomach and in your head
love is the smile they can't see when it's late and you're in bed
love is talking to someone until you drift off to sleep
and knowing in the end, they were worth the fighting and the weeping
some say love is blind but that's objective
someone once told me it's simply a change in perspective
as beautiful and painful and difficult as love is
it is almost always worth every minute
Tried a happy-ish poem and Idrk how I feel about it...
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
One more drink down and you're good to go
Hit the lights, baby, and you'll steal the show
With a pretty ******* one arm and a number on the other
Dancing to the beat because there's nothing better
For you to do than waste the memories away until you forget being you
But they don't see your bloodshot eyes or your terrors at night
Hitting the walls until your soul feels right
Simply because living isn't worth the fight
You say you're fine but they don't know better
And no one is here for you this time
You're coping with shots and drunken nights
Waking up to the pounding of your head when nothing seems right
So you glance in the mirror and you hate what you see
Because they don't know you're nothing without me
And when you finally get back to sleep
You dream of pink chiffon and messy sheets
And nothing has changed since the first day I left
Except for the piles of pictures I never kept
So when I think of you this is what I see
Maybe because I know you too well or maybe because you don't know me
I know how you cope and I know how you cry
So when they can see you fall apart so can I
But I'll just laugh at your misery
Because you never cared when I cried at night
So really babe why should I?
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
right now all i want
is to curl up under the covers
with someone who is taller than i am
and smells like cologne
just so i don't feel so painfully alone
and then i will be able to drift off to a sweeter sleep
than i have had in too many weeks
with candied dreams and waking up in warm arms
that's all i really want
now is that so hard?
AllAtOnce Dec 2014
Red hair falling over shoulders and short pretty curls
All of her weaknesses are everything you ever were
Thunder and lightning might just deserve each other
Because when the storm comes everyone wonders
And everyone watches
And you both like that

With her fake smiles and your attention deficit
Not even perfection deserves imperfect
Now she thinks she's perfect and I hate to be the one to break the news
But the only one that's closer to imperfect is you
Get out while you can neither of you can put glass back together
Because once it's shattered it's gone baby and it won't ever come back
You can try to glue until all of your fingers bleed
But either way it will cut you open when you try to sleep
I shouldn't kick a dog when it's down
But hell you can lie in the mess you made
Until every piece of yourself is ripped away

Maybe you two are just a perfect match
With her bruised knees and your spineless back
Go find each other and go run away
I'm so done caring and I'm so done with the hate
Times up. Game over. She won.
But when everything falls apart don't come crying to me
Sobbing out that she was your first one
Because you like the attention
And you like the lies
And everyone is watching
You like them staring as you walk by

So I'll watch from the side as it all goes up in flames
Because in the end you won't even be able to say her name
And what am I going to do about it?
Nothing because I don't care about you or your attention deficit
You can move on and I'm over it.
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