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Jean May 2018
that song that we sung
that's not how it went
you sing the wrong notes
go high when you are meant to go low
sing at the wrong pace
and say all the wrong words
but you say that's how it's sung
just as another song has taken it’s place
and I am still in disbelief
that you could have forgot
that song that we sung
Jean May 2018
all it takes
is one touch
from Him
and i am
  May 2018 Jean
Tiana Marie
I'm ready to surrender
and let you captain the boat.
I'm tired of all the struggles
and barely staying afloat.

I've learned through all my trials
that you know what is best.
I give you all my worries
and now I'll finally rest.

Here it is; just take it.
My whole life is now yours.
I've battled for so long now
and I know you have the cure.

My every breath belongs to you
and I give you every stride.
There's only one thing that I ask:
that you will be my guide.

— The End —