I look under I for immortality on a trip to the local lending library,
but find a Ghazal under G two shelves in front of me
I can see this is going to be fun
On the isle of an aisle
I pick up a book clearly marked as Essex which to my eyes signifies
Extra Sensual *** uality, haha just me being clever at that I see
it's a map
which doesn't really interest me.
The librarian looks at me warily or it could be she wants to be wearing me
I look again under I for idolatry
I might be a god after all.
If life in its enormity is
simplified in the dictionary
and the library is a home to me
I could live there
very happily.
Wish I'd known that as a juvenile
before delinquency interfered with
I'm as sure as anyone can be
that things would have turned out
quite differently.