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 Dec 2015 ACMP
 Dec 2015 ACMP
inspired by
Lidi Minuet
and her poem

I found an egg of crystal
it had a little crack
though beautiful as opals
integrity it lacked

I asked the Lord to help me
"whatever should I do?"
He told me to go and plant it
when the day was new

and so I looked for soil
but no soft could be found
so I planted my wee egg
in hard, forbidding

I watered it with tears
for others suffering lack
and after a little while
the ground
began to

a tentative green sprout
pushed up its tender head
it grew up from the rocky ground
I had thought so dead!

I continued watering
I knew naught else to do
and a tulip flower appeared
the lightest
eggshell blue!

I watered then in earnest!
I wanted for to see
that flower strong and healthy
and what it'd bloom to be!

slowly the petals opened
and lo! there fast emerged
a'singing and a'fluttering
a little crystal bird!

out of the light blue flower
the creature dipped and soared
it was then I realized
my hope had been restored!

flying 'round my head
its feathers sent off light
as brilliant as a diamond
shattering the night

it was only then I realized
as the darkness fell apart
the soil was life's hardships
and the
had been my


(C) 12/17/2015
I know every trouble i experience
now is nothing compared
to the joy of God.

I must remember that
J esus
O thers
    Y ourself

In just that order.

repost this piece if you will
I'm proud of it
it has a great message l think
people should read!

 Dec 2015 ACMP
11:23 AM.
 Dec 2015 ACMP
what a curse it is,

to have a conscience that constricts you from what goes on.
I talk
                                                            ­               but all of my words are sin

I move
                                                            ­               but all of my actions are sin

I think
                                                           ­               but all of my thoughts are sin

I dance
                                                           ­               but all of my rhythms are sin

I sing
                                                            ­              but all of my tones are sin

I write
                                                           ­                but all of my poems are sin

All of me is a sin

I am a sin

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