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 Feb 2021 God's Oracle
 Feb 2021 God's Oracle
I once implanted strangeness into my gown,
and when I slept I dreamt of strange worlds
I ingrained it into my skin to only be my strange self.
The others would avoid me because I was Strange from first to last look,
Little did they know,
that they were all strange, too.
 Feb 2021 God's Oracle
 Feb 2021 God's Oracle
I am
In love with
 Feb 2021 God's Oracle
at work in the sandbox
milk toothed Elohim
balance stick, stone and moss
shape continents from dreams

tiny, unfettered fingers
excavate their worlds of sand
things discarded, left to rot
are gold in grimy hands

bark and stones
dead bees and bones
leaves and sleeves
of snakes, outgrown

never too old to learn
never too young to teach
every treasure is swallowed
by the sand on the beach
I am a poet,
or I like to call myself one.
My heartaches and heartbreaks give life to empty pages;
I rarely compose from glorious days.
I’m inspired by the world, by people around me
but mostly by my pain.
I consider myself an introvert
for you will rarely hear me speak,
but on the other hand, I have much to say
just not with my lips
but with a pen.
I hide behind ink and paper
ready to write my feelings away.

I am the poetry that I write.
 Feb 2021 God's Oracle
Jessica B
You are not the love of my life,
You are the life of my love ❤️
I looked up at the ceiling
and imagined the stars

as if I was lying on the ground
with the universe around me

As if the wounds
and words
never existed at all
 Sep 2020 God's Oracle
sometimes you just
gotta sit down and write
just grab the apple
and take a bite
just take a leap
into the dark night

if you want to be a poet
you gotta write poems
let the words go
wherever the wind blows em

sometimes your lines will ****
other times blow you away
but stay firm on that writing path
don't be led astray
by laziness and perfectionism
saying you can't do it
don't give in, knock em down
push yourself right through it

let the poem be what it is
let its rhymes ring true
knowing as much
as you're writing the poem
it's also writing you
success comes
through failure
improvement comes
through the grind
go ahead
write bad poems
they'll make you better
in due time
 Jul 2020 God's Oracle
The sun no longer
Makes me cry
I refuse to love a lie

I can't express
A color scheme
Wordless thoughts
Are all I see

In poetic tongue
My emotions confess
Beautiful words
When I'm a mess

I can't describe
A moonlit night
A star filled sky
I'm not that bright

When my feelings overflow
About to burst
About to blow
I run to my pen
To save my soul!

The sun no longer
Makes me cry
I refuse to love a lie
Traveler Tim
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