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cgembry Aug 2016
I watched my neighborhood park
undergo a transformation
on a warm autumn morning
that carried the smell of dew and maple
the sun peeked through the trees
reflecting off the yellows reds and oranges
illuminating them
till you could swear they had caught fire
crisp air threw amber leaves skyward
raining down like golden confetti
to be collected for jumping into
by the laughing children
When she
is stone
and my
safari found
her happy
that dangle
her moosewood
with immense
joy the
woods have
ever seen
displayed in
toil by
clusters of
flowers born
in bloom
never seen.
A dire need of support
Here.. I'm still under the sky
but different place and ground
I feel in medieval era atmosphere
Seeing lots of castles with old architecture
Beautiful view in Montmartre, the custom of art
Pampering my eyes

Autumn creates a wonderful art naturally
This place like a natural canvas
created by a magical brush from God's hand
Though Claude Monete and Renoir aren't exist anymore
I can see the blend colors of autumn with my naked eyes
There is yellow, orange, red and brown
such a lovely painting

Let me wear jacket this day
Cause the air makes me pretty cold
Strolling a countryside of French
Deciduous trees along village street
With bird song around
It's time to harvest
I like pumpkins in the field
Picking apples and pears in the orchard near Talcy castle

French is like a gold treasure
Paris in autumn this month
Eiffel tower is waiting me
I'm walking on the leaves carpet
So crisp under my feet
The maple trees above me shadowing
The leaves twirling
send them to dance in the air
Exceedingly romantic
I was sitting on bench wood
Oh.. if September comes

MS Lim May 2016
We were
once upon a time--remember?
but no more
now is our time--forever

all because
tears we shed together
broken hearts once healed
re-love with the most resplendent grandeur.
Maple Mathers May 2016
in a story,
As in,
once upon a time*,
(All poems original Copyright of Eva Denali Will © 2015, 2016)

Shoutout to MS Lim, who wrote this in response:

SJ Sullivan Jan 2016
Hints of maple kiss each of
your highlander grog fingertips.
The smell of her shampoo
pierces & permeates throughout
your living room, lingering still
to this day, on your pillow.

You told her you'd make a perfume
that smells like the car heater on
long drives home for Christmas.

Aromas of her laundry detergent
still live in your spine
like LSD.
When you turn your neck a
certain way you fall back
into trances of her & 1997.

Vick's Vaper Rub, NyQuil
Cough Syrup breath, with
a 104 degree fever. She
sobbed when her last
sea monkey died

You called her cartographer.
Intricate trails of herself connecting
each board of your apartment floor.
Charted long ago when her
candle still burned scents of warmth.
The art of burning,
a front the fire place of
maple logs where you told her
to "Let go."
I wrote this poem in a fourth dimension. Taste something maple while you read it.
Elioinai Oct 2014
Today I observed the flaming trees,
The flakes of gold drifting in the wind,
Like sleepy fairies,
And I thought,
I want to die like a maple,
die like an aspen in the fall,

as my strength is stripped away,
the underlying poetry of my veins is exposed,
and the tough skin peels back,
to show my unsung melodies,
Every note!

and it is a song,
blending beautifully with the cosmos,
Oh, that I would die like a tree,
when you see my barren body,
remember my last red moment,
full of auroreatic brilliance,
Harly Coward Oct 2014
"Do you know who the prime minister of Canada is?"

"Hmmm isn't it Tim Horton?"

Sweating, shivering, and shoveling snow,
Looking up with relief as the flakes begin to slow.

Starting our mornings with pancakes drizzled in gooey sweet syrup
And greasy, cheesy, poutine being our last meal we eat up.

We hike up a green lush mountain just to see the view
And shoot down the slopes of silvery snow and feel as if we flew.

The rascally beavers are our vandals, the loons are our song,
The cougars reminding us that we are strong.

We are Canadian, eh?
But would we really want it any other way?
Underneath the maple tree
I drew my last breath.
No longer a child,
My courage has fleeted,
Bravery abandoned.
I can no longer hide
As the flaming leaves
Cover placid skin.
Colder I grow
As I fall away to dust.

                                                          ­                     *There are worse ways to die
                                                             ­                        Than being devoured by
                                                              ­                                     The maple tree.
Can I not be abandoned by you?

Celation: concealment.
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