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Abraham Oct 2017
round and clean
it sees me sit in the gallery
looking at the painting.

smooth and generously
it pats my back when I get too tired to
look anymore.

if I said I could paint YOU
here in this room that YOU gave me
if I could touch the feet of
       the ones who cared.

please feed
please feed
please feed

round and clean
it sees me stand before the painting
laughing with Kitaj eyes.

smooth and sincerely

it looks at its watch.
Devin Ortiz Jun 2016
The stars blaze in orange spectre
Having traded their white twinkle
In with cosmic bewildering wonder

Each a signature piece for space marvels
Capturing the dying light of eons past
Ripe for the moment in this evening art show

What violent vibrance shall we contribute
Earth and her sisters hurdling brushstrokes
For far off beings to ponder and critique
Tess Calogaras Jun 2016
How they move, skin aching.
Tenants weeping;
Their bodies outcry.
Dance and frighten each other into their skin.
Turning bones into shadows,
Light into darkness.
They leap,
Falling into colour, into hues;
Two girls;
short hair;
Over dessert suns
from each others body heat.
I wanted to tell them,
It would all get better.
That gloom might start to overlook your love,
But soon the luminescence will radiate the dark,
While you crumble into one another.
Tessa Calogaras
m i a Mar 2016
he was a masterpiece,
you can even say
that he was much more vaulable than a timepiece,
and everyday
he would always seem
to make my heartbeat increase.*

for he was such a lovely masterpiece.
darling, you are a lovely work of art.
Rose L Mar 2016
I stand, cold.
ice white, lit bright by
delicate light
High above casting
block shadows basking
art in light.
I step front faced with
Monet ahead, to right, gaugin
I stare, Rembrant, clad in
thick frames reflecting
scant expression on the face
of art on art, tête-à-tête
I am wisps of turner set
in stone and city galleries
staring back into the old disease
of oil eyes meeting mine
receding grid tiles on floor, axis legs
axis, human waxes indifferable
from porcelain busts in clear boxes -
bowels of heart and lungs
quivering on canvas, draped
hastily on white walls
Cold light, turned down, reflecting
frame, but not the painting.
This poem describes Stendhal syndrome, or the out of body experience felt when seeing a great work of art.
SassyJ Jan 2016
Pencil, chalk, charcoal and erasers
Walking hand in hand on a canvas
Stretched and condensed observations
Obstructions as concentration pins
A walk and talk in a dark museum
Stored birds, killed preys, stuffed game
Tall giraffe, the lion, lionized Victorian art
Quirky strokes of eccentric dashes mashes
Staring in glasses to capture emotions
Art resident mumble whilst erupting muscles
The ***** strikes to meet  my ****** gaze
Slandered, pasted and matted with prejudice
Mouth flowing with filth like a sewage drain
Don’t we all come from holes, sticks and bones?
Don’t we all come in holes, sticks and bones?
A lost sight of an insight, a skin stratified
Misted and tainted with toned stinky ****
A pigmentation structured in perceptions
A plea to ****** stereotypical resolution
A streamline of vagaries, unsettle the gallery
I lose the words.. why can people be so nasty?
Maria Mena ... *******! (in a good way)
Gaby Lemin Nov 2015
in high places.

Roof top terraces.
The Eiffel Tower,

down as if
I am God.
Or just a crow?

and looking
like art. Poised
to be observed.
Hang me.

In a gallery.

through mud and roots.
just to be higher.

Or I'll lean
over a balcony
and try
not to
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