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 Aug 2015 Riley Lavender
 Aug 2015 Riley Lavender
suicidal thoughts in my head
permanent solution to these problems that I dread
all your nagging got me so fed
that I wish I was dead.

I heard my thoughts and I gasped
they all say "don't **** yourself. not so fast"
ending my life would be such a blast
as eternal freedom I grasped.
just thoughts. holding on, kinda.
the wind wrapping
the water into grey ghosts,
the darkness twisting
like a flower.
Just one more couldn't hurt right?
I mean I've done 6 before in just one night
I better hurry so I don't miss my flight
I'm not going to a known place, however
but in a place no ones ever thought of
where creativity runs free without control
And I'm just along for the ride

Space to Space I flip
Deity to Dimension I travel
From being dropped into a pool of my own ignorance
Or sliding slowly off of an edge I cannot out run
I can't feel myself, only ego is alive now.
The best part there is no comedown.
I just lay back until I fall asleep.
But this time was different
I woke up to bright lights and my mother weeping
Drugs are bad, mmmkay?
Blood Boils Under The Skin,
Rain Falls, Soothes The Skin.
She longs for nights
When galaxies appear
In the vast sky
& silence conquers.

While others dream
She found a woken
& lively tranquility.

She identified with
The darkness of the night
And how stars will only
Show themselves upon
What once was mishap
Or a frightening concept,
The dark.
Missing you comes in waves,
I knew how I had to swim trough them.
But I couldn't do it anymore,
And I drowned.
I'm Sorry
 May 2015 Riley Lavender
I ***** stanzas -
I spew literary clutter
My poetry is aimless
The words all muddled

I write unsharpened
The point pressed pointless
A fire smoldering with no tinder
The universe questions its existence
 May 2015 Riley Lavender
 May 2015 Riley Lavender
Your kisses feel
like waves
and I want
to swim on
your tongue*

 May 2015 Riley Lavender
Of atheism, you want to be the God of your own life.
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