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moon-kissedstar May 2018
I almost forgot how you smile, how you speak
How you laugh awkwardly to things I think
How you thought I'll never be enough
Or how feeble my mind is,
But these things made me feel something-
and it will always give the same pain as before,
same happiness, same crazy feels,
same person.
still you
really not thought about this through but it's starting to have diary feels
moon-kissedstar Apr 2018
Would it be a sin,
If my heart searches for your pieces to be seen
To people whom I'll invest in,
My future, heart and soul within.
Yes- I'd be lying,
But only your soul is what I'm yearning.
Am I unfair?
moon-kissedstar Mar 2018
I believe love follows the first Law of Thermodynamics. It can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be transferred or changed from one form to another. We all have love in ourselves; which is why we have acts of humanity, we take care of animals and we care for the environment. When we meet someone special, the love within us awakens. It continuously changes from one form to another. Which is why we hug, we kiss, we cuddle & do things for them. And if/when the relationship comes to an end, the love never dies; it is never destroyed. It will only change into something more meaningful, something more definite; it could be acceptance, forgiveness, memories and many more.

- m-k.s
moon-kissedstar Mar 2018
I like how my heart grows with you,
Even when I left without a clue
I know for sure, a day or two
I'm gonna ask how you've been, boo.
I miss you even if you won't be missing me. I still care about you even if my mind says no already.
moon-kissedstar Mar 2018
Words and kindness are all that I have,
I know for you it'll never be enough
So I'll bury them all, dreams of us that I had
Long it'll be, til you see me laugh
But I still love you,  don't hate me for that
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