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D I A Mar 2015
The silence broke
Shattering into a million pieces
Shards and dust...
D I A Mar 2015
One blinded by love should not make sacrifices...
For when the love is gone,
So is the logic.
D I A Mar 2015
I miss you
Your warm laugh,
glassy blue eyes
and sad, sad smile
That made it look like you were crying
Out of sight

Her heart beats for you
In pain
You who never noticed
Or cares to notice again.
Standing tall.

Her heart beats for you
Despite your coldness
Your emptiness
Your emotions' grave
It still beats.

She's dying.
We all are
The rose petals have fallen
A long time ago
My tears had fallen and dried
Moments after
Hers still fall
Forming seas
She slowly drowns
As her heart weakly beats
Straining in pain
Her body sick.

You still smile now
Your eyes a hardened gray
Diamonds rather than glass
Your joy is our pain
Not just us
but the world.
No matter how you try to push it behind you
You can't ignore the past
You have failed.

I hope you're happy.
I'm no longer missing...
Her heart's stopped beating...
Beating for you.

You shall be forgotten...
Black frost, the stars above you and a kiss goodbye.
D I A Mar 2015
I stood,
Gazing at the sunset.
Watching the sun fall...
The day die...
The light soften and dim,
Painting the sky with vivid strokes...
Freeing the moon.

A daily masterpiece,
Well displayed
Above the lines of the city.
D I A Mar 2015
I gaze upon its splendor weeping
A masterpiece beyond fathomability stealing my breathe away as time stills and the emotions bloom...
This is love!
This is magnificence!
This is existence!

But only for a moment...
Only for eternity.
D I A Mar 2015
The voice asked
Words echoing through hallways and floors
Let me in. Let me in.
Eyes close.
Tears fall.
There is pounding on the door
The ghost of sound.
The trickle of life.
D I A Mar 2015
Blood paints the sky in vivid streaks
Is the light.
Frozen solid
Weeping still,
The day is murdered.
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