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 Nov 2014 Abbi
BertJane Perez
I write this letter to you
With my last drop of ink
I write to express myself
I write to help you understand

Each letter, each curve
Each line that I make
I write with my last drop of ink

I want to tell you these things
I want you to know me for me
I write to explain
I write for personal gain

With each stroke that I painlessly wrote
With each second it took to write this
I write for you
I write for me
I write for us...
I write with my last drop of ink
 Nov 2014 Abbi
Silent Thoughts
I've stood where you stand
Heart in my hand
Begging to be loved
But it's never enough

You can't create matter from nothingness
You can't make yourself matter in an empty heart

I try to think what I would want
I try to remember what I wanted
All I can come up with is what I didn't want

I didn't want to lose my best friend
I wish it were simpler. I wish I was in love with you, too.
 Nov 2014 Abbi
 Nov 2014 Abbi
Sweeter than Sugar
Love beyond borders
Soothing and Exciting
The Spur of Life
Every Inhale taken
Climaxes exhale given
The Savour of Dulcet
Sweetness and soothing
That moment of Splenda!
I just wrote this ...
 Nov 2014 Abbi
Sue Violetta
Troubled mind
Wounded soul
Broken heart
not healing.

Soft fur
and feline purr
of a rescued cat
Might help
to give your life
New  meaning.
Rescued old, skinny and hungry cat is now doing the rescueing.
 Nov 2014 Abbi
black cat
 Nov 2014 Abbi
black cat, black cat,
running here and there.
chasing down a ***** rat,
pretending its a bear
leaping on  the pillows
tearing up the bed
knocking down the china rose
and tripping on the thread
***** rat, ***** rat
ran in side his hole.
running from the black cat,
was  glad that he was whole!
One he was the tiger
The other, the tigger
And the other, he was
The housecat with awkward fuzz.

Somehow he had more
Than nine lives, or
This kitty was a fright
That gave Life such delight.
 Nov 2014 Abbi
 Nov 2014 Abbi
It's raining, it's pouring
My young heart is soaring
I saw a girl and fell in love
Couldn't find her in the morning
 Nov 2014 Abbi
Gracie Anne
Turning on the T.V, you see a beautiful woman
Standing up, proud and straight.
You look down at your not-so-perfect self,
And your heart fills with hate.

You’re not like that woman,
But you’re beautiful just the same.
You have beauty where she doesn’t
Internal beauty is what you can claim.

If only you could see it,
You’d know your beauty too.
Unfortunately, society has brainwashed us
Into not loving people like you.

If I could change the world
We wouldn’t have to have waists of a centigram.
And I’d have the cute guys love me
For who I am- not what I am.

So look at yourself,
You’re beautiful just like me.
Loving yourself is the right path;
Confidence is the key.
 Nov 2014 Abbi
Towela Kams
I won't allow you
To question me
On old, broken mirrors
And old, shattered dreams
I won't let you see me
Based solely
On what the world did to me
Through the eyes of self-pity
So to answer your questions
Yes, I'm doing just fine
With all that has happened
I found a way to survive
Not by myself though,
I can't stand here and lie
I had some extra help
Something divine
I haven't written in such a while. I feel like my poetry is somehow loosing value. I don't know what to write about but these words came to my mind in a split second.
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