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Georgia Grace Dec 2016
Anger scorches like sun inside me.
Every attempt of peace,
Is met with war drums and battle cries.
I dry up all the good emotions from my closest companions.
Burn them till there body resembles a drought affected flower.
My tears then fall like the rain , saying its to late to resolve the 3rd degree, fatal burns.
Although they watch on in indescribable pain ,
for  they see the forsaken flood ahead.
My clouds have covered them with guilt.
Which should be mine and only mine!
My anger rages ,and effects those who should never be touched by it.
Georgia Grace Nov 2016
At square one again.
All the improvement is in the past.
Weak mined , aching body and fragile heart.
Why did I loose progress fast?
Deadly thoughts, worse are the actions, that grasp me once more.
Tell me how to escape my self, so I can be free for this hell.
It urgent, an emergency but there no life line that can help.
The only line I think of, is that hanging rope.
Sorry for my honestly.
I know its hard to take, your ears are use to sugar coated sentences,
dripping in misleading words and expressions of false satisfaction regarding life.
Back to square one but this time I notice the cage that will never let me move forward again.
I have no key, no help and no way out.
Not sure if iv given up or just have nothing to give too. All i know is I'm worse of them i have ever been.
Georgia Grace Oct 2016
I'm unsure what's happened
I thought I got better.
But currently I feel,
more worthless then ever.
Sitting alone, feelings are mixed,
Thoughts are crazy, I'm feeling quite sick.
Each option I choose, sings a regret.
I know that I should change my dangerous mindset.
Is not your fault, don't trouble your self.
I'm just troubled ,that I can't find myself help.
The load is so heavy, emotions burst at the seams.
Please have some patience my amazing sunbeam.
Go if you wish, have time to rekindle.
I wish for you to stay whole and not to dwindle.
The fight is never truly over I guess. The solutions are only temporary.
Georgia Grace Oct 2016
Nervous for my future.
The year is at it's end.
Those I know are leaving,
I'll loose some of my friends
Exams a here now,
Prepared I am not
What worries me the most,
Is that I might be forgot.
To do this all over ,
it is more then i can bare.
But i have to do it,
" If i want to get anywhere".
My anxiety weighs me down,
To the point I get up.
Next year will be better.
I;ll finally find my spot
My struggle of finally getting help this year to battle my mental problem, have made me have to do a second year of year 12. which is scary but necessary, hopeful that next year will be better. Wrote this quit because i have work tonight and English exams in 4 days.
Georgia Grace Sep 2016
I miss you.
The you that loved to do and say the little things
You have given up
I miss you.
The you that enjoyed spending every waking minute with me , as if it could be our last.
I miss you.
The you that didnt do things with me just because you don't want to have me upset.
I miss you.
The one that looked at me with the deepest affection.
I miss us.
The us that others couldn't not compete with.
Have we given up trying to go the extra mile for each other?
who knows but I know ,I miss you!
Georgia Grace Sep 2016
Blurry thoughts,
Weary eyes.
My life was built by others lies.
Frosted love,
thrown to the cold.
Often times I feel alone.
Skin deep does it cut,
sometime we should keep our mouth shut.
This moment now is near it's end,
because I know I will forgive again.
Georgia Grace Sep 2016
Simmer down my sorrow,
bellowing in your anger wont recoil what happened.
Don't fret dear heart,
the sadness you feel will once again dissolve.
Dear legs of mine,
stand taller then you once did.
Little mind,
dont underestimate your knowledge and your power.
For you create the struggles which have been and will be endured.
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