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Outside Words Nov 2018
When I watch nature -
And look at the narrow strips
Of what we've allowed to persist of that world

Squeezed between concrete
Sidewalks, roads, and metal sewer grates.

I wonder if -
As I look upon bare tree branches
Adjusting to the ever-moving autumn air ~
Nature is some sort of escape for the corrupted human spirit
Another world or plane of existence
Where one may finally be taught to know oneself.

If this is the case,
May one never truly visit this place?
Until finally departing from this world?
Must we be forced to play the role of the perpetual onlooker?
Able to see heaven and dream about it,
But never feel, taste, or bathe in its light?

In contrast,
Could the changing color of leaves,
Death, decay and rebirth before our eyes
Be merely a surface level,
Indifferent reminder
That time continues to march ever onward - - -
Without regard to our concerns,
Pains, and feelings about ourselves?

Is it possible that this strange,
Mysterious beauty that we look upon,
But never truly come to understand
Is only in place to remind us
Of its ever-lasting presence?
And in turn,
The extent to which our own existences
Are so  v e r y  fragile and limited
To short blips in time
On a tiny spec of dust
In  s p a c e  ?
© Outside Words
Outside Words Oct 2018
What if it's all fake?
We won't really know


Until we all awake

What if it's all a dream?
We won't really know


Because it's not what it seems.

What if it's all an illusion?
We won't really know


Outside our delusion.
© Outside Words
Outside Words Oct 2018
I wish to get lost
Fall into another world
Leave it all behind

© Outside Words
Outside Words Oct 2018
I want to live a life of sin
Full of women, money and gin
I'll do away with all the rules
And fill my fists with skin and jewels

I want to let go of my morality
Timid, apprehensive mentality
So that I can become a man
And live the only way I understand
© Outside Words
Outside Words Oct 2018
A delicate sound trickles into my ear
A tantalizing voice from a mouth so fair
Her lips move as she brushes back her hair
And moonlight beams into my dreams

She eases me with her soothing scent
With little laughs between words,
Whispering softly in unison with birds
That sing and cheer as dawn draws near

The graceful woman I am bound to
Greets me with a smile while I sleep
And tells me that she is mine to keep
After the sun has set and twilight beget

Her tender touch is all I need
As I hopelessly cling to my fantasy
And indulge an invisible ecstasy
Until I awaken and my love is taken

© Outside Words
Outside Words Oct 2018
...All I remember was
Cancer and my hospital room,
My green gown, my bed,
My white hair and mustache
Until suddenly...

...Reality started to stretch…

…And flatten into a brief euphoric white…

…I felt a cathartic release
As I was encapsulated and bathed
In a glorious sensation…

...I floated for an eternity…

…Until I felt my euphoria lifting…

…As my eyes reopened
I found myself gazing
Upon a room of tiny lights,
Blue and pink specs
Dotting the inner workings
Of large wall sized machines…

…They lifted me upright
In a gray metal chair
And with sharp robotic groans,
A long arm from the wall
Held up a mirror to my face...

...In the reflection was a young man
I thought I would never see again…

…I had a wife back before,
But now I have a new one
Everybody in my situation,
("Reborns", as they are called)
Has brand new things and people
Filling their lives and concerns
They bring nothing with them
When they make their returns...

…Every morning I wake up
On the west 402nd floor
Of a residential tower
Next to my slim, youthful wife
And the trails of flying cars
That populate our view
From our wall-spanning window
As they soar through the city…

…I was told of technology,
Created and discovered
That could reawaken people
Who, like me, had died
In an earlier era and time…

…It’s strange that my past,
In all its importance and meaning,
Memories, friendships and scenery,
Seems to no longer be of concern,
Now that I have all this…

…I love what was, very dearly,
But the life I live now is for me.
I have new children, knowledge,
Friends and technology…

…I’m quite sure it’s possible
That old family members
That passed before me
Could exist in the same place
That I now live and find myself…

…But I can’t be certain,
Maybe they live further,
Deeper, in an unknown future
That I can’t even comprehend…?

…All I know is that, like me,
They have a new life somewhere
So I’ll do what I tried to do
My first time around…

…I’ll continue to grow and live on
In this new, world-spanning cityscape
Fueled by the love and memory
Of a past life remembered
only by me...
© Outside Words
Outside Words Oct 2018
Business people live silly little lives…
Walking so fast in pleated pants…
Racing around self-imposed mazes…

Will they have anything to say when it’s all over?

Everyday spent “delivering solutions”…
Neutered emotionless existences…
Sitting there with that doe eyed look…

Will they have anything to say when it’s all over?

Driving cars and tolerating personal lives…
Each and every day a pre-defined process…
Anxiety, fear and caffeine distorting brains…

Will they have anything to say when it’s all over?
© Outside Words
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