As gentle as I go into the night
It is not good
And whence I return from such a depth
Cast off and abandoned from all I foolishly hold dear
Everything next to my heart is ripped away
Leaving me to be bound in agony
For all that is good is tangible
Still I cannot touch it
And all that has worth is so quickly spent out on fools and folly alike
She is a dream
And a fool all at once
Bound to the same stars as many souls before her
Like rockets set into space her mind wanders
And such as the sun shines so is she light
But there is more inside her than has been felt in the whole world
Compact and thoughtful
Overflowing and lacking all at once
He is a nightmare and a dragon
Breathing fire and flame to the wick of a candle soul
He is bitter and salty, a handful of the bottom of the ocean
You could drink and drink and your thirst never be quenched,
but you savor the taste in your mouth and you dare not spit it out
Just a kiss, to save the world
Just a hand, to lift up the sky
Just a heart to beat again, if you can find it bound within your chest
A mystery is this; if such a thing still remains
To long it has been left cold
To long, to long
Still the night calls
The twinkle of the stars enticing Though who can touch the celestials
Gentle she calls and gentle she is
Though strength has not abandoned her