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Lexie Nov 2018
You are a gentle memory
I cradle such
As the night sky does the moon
Lexie Aug 2022
I did not know
You would haunt me still
Beyond that
I did not know
I would expect it
Eyes, always perceived to be watching
Steps, not truly fading away
We were not what God intended
Not good or righteous or pure
We were worse
Two terrible ends of a spectrum
Colliding in the off center
If I asked you
Would you leave me
You would make me beg
So I seal my sinners lips together
Dark blood dripping
Out the corners of my mouth
Silence better than rejection
Shadows better than permanence
Lexie Oct 2015
We don't need more memories
Or more ghosts

Just more glasses
For more drunk toasts
Lexie Jun 2016
after all this time
where is my heart
all the little pieces
left in shatters behind
to my lovers
and to my tears
I gave each of you a piece
some you cherished
others thrown away
so in landfills
and on mantles
I find my remanence
and as I pass
as a ghost
through my past
I see in the shards
of the memories we had
and I cry in wisps
until I am blown apart
Lexie Sep 2018
You ghost write my life
And now my bones are haunted
You were the demons in the dark
And now I am just a possession
Lexie Nov 2014
she rides like a mustang and runs just as fast
you can never catch her because she will break
just like all the things made out of glass

her heart is the most fragile part of her frame
and if you touch her she will turn to sand
just like the wind over the dunes
Lexie Jul 2018
You are a glass love
Still I carry you with me always
You are gentle in memory
How could I let such go
Lexie Nov 2015
I poured the glow stick into the bubbles
And blew you a kiss

*From my palm to your heart
It wasn't far apart
Lexie Aug 2018
The angels wittled these words
Into the back of my head
And when I awoke in the morning
Liquor leeching out my veins
The pounding in my skull I heard
Like a chant and a prayer
Said such;

God's not a masochistic

I need you to know
In a world that blames the almighty
For the mundane and monotonous
That the one who can cease
The river of life to flow
Isn't showering you with pain
He just wants his plants to grow
Lexie Feb 2014
That one drink that leads to another
Select your driver, chose your brother
Lets go out and forget our troubles
Let fill our minds and stomachs with bubbles
Sit on a stool in bar
Brace yourself this could go far
With makeup to our temples
Looking like people we shouldn't resemble
My hands shake and my voice trembles
When my stupid choices all assemble
Hiding in a crowd of drunken idiots
Just wanting to fit in to get with it
When we all look alike
And we all get in stupid fights
Is this what my life is meant to be
It all just seems silly to me
Lets hurt our bodies but not alone
Is this the life I want to condone
With a drink in one hand
Double ******* the band
The lights hurt my head
And I long for my bed
The smell of clean sheets
And the look of clean streets
I want to go home to where I belong
I was looking for myself but I wasn't lost all along
Lexie May 2018
I want to drink you up like the sun fades into the sunset
Swallow every morsel of your bittersweet taste like; the waves touching the shore... over and over again savoring the flavor
Lexie Jan 2016
Do you know how many words
Have fluttered from my fingers
Or fallen from my lips
And dance along my throat
That I can't recall
They fall into eternity
And maybe imprint in your mind
But they do not stay in my head
Like an important moment in time
Lexie Feb 2014
You silently left
As tears streamed down my face
I was left in the light
But the only bright part of me was my shadow

I couldn't hide my face from the sun
I thought that you would be the one
You are gone
I feel just so empty

I cant understand why you left me
You say find someone else
But all I want is you
I don't understand how my world could just break

You said you were protecting me
You said you couldn't hurt me
But not hurting me hurts me even more
I am different without you

You completed my world
Now I am left missing my most importance piece
You, you held me together
And when you held me in your arms I could fly

But now I've lost my wings and you are the one who has drifted to another shore
I am empty here standing behind your locked door
You shut me out
I just walked away

Not knowing how to feel
Not knowing what to say
The silence isn't awkward it is just lonely
I cant hear your voice and when I do it doesn't sound the same

You are perfect and always will be
But now I am broken and don't think I can be fixed
I don't bend I only break
Why couldn't you hold on for goodness sake

It wasn't worth it
I have so many questions
Do you have the answers
Walking away is never the right thing do to

Sometimes the hardest things in life
Are the right choices
Sometimes the right thing
Is also the wrong

Its all about perpective
But no matter what way I look at it
I still hurt inside
The tears are made of water

But all I feel is knives
You tore me apart
And skinned me alive
It burns its bleeds

But it still beats strong
This is how I feel when you are gone gone gone
Lets all just cry together.
Lexie Nov 2014
the colour finally found it's love
but she lost it the same day
the red on her cheeks *
the red on her lips ~
the red in her heart <3
was unflushed *
unsmeared ~
and unloved <3
Lexie Aug 2020
For more than half my life I knew you
But, I always love you
This time, from a distance
It seems I never was able
To give you the love you deserved
And I'm so ******* ******* sorry
Lexie Dec 2017
I struggle with the fact that you are no longer part of this world that loves you so much.

Now all that they love is your memory.

I miss you.
Lexie Sep 2018
I will wish into the night
Beyond everything I have ever known

The coldness in my hands is a familiar one
And my breath fogs the air as I call out my plight among the heavens
Oh that they would rain and wash everything away
Pain is my companion and weakness my neighbor
Still I spin in fields of flowers

I told you once in earnestness that I just want you to be happy
As I had told myself a hundred times before
Still it seems cruel to me that you would live your happiness at the expense of my own
This is a two way street and we no longer walk in the same direction
I have left tears in my footprints and drops of blood in my wake
Still I journey on
For though I walk alone
Beneath the angels watching over me
A memory clutched in each hand and others biting at my heels
I still have these legs to stand up
And the sun will shine again upon the lips you used to kiss
Lexie Mar 2023
You have a way with words darling
What a way to say
I am the love of a life not worth living
Lexie Sep 2014
I said goodbye, because I didn't want you to see what happened to me
Lexie Jan 2016
I will always want one more:

But I will only ever need:
One of you
Lexie Aug 2022
Heartbreak drives a black car
I see it everywhere I am
Watching, waiting
What a strange ghost
I fear the familiar
Never the unknown
I should have left you alone
On the street where I found you
How will I protect my peace now
I gave it away
I am giving up
I would rather bear your burdens
Than my own
It is the most dangerous thing to love
I would not call this brave
Lexie Dec 2018
You have fallen through the heavens
It seems no one could bear to tell you
That time holds you in her cupped hands
Somehow you found a way
To slip through her fingers, like water
On you go, a way you do not know
You made a way on your own
I did not know such a thing could be done
You have expanded my horizons
In but an instant
It seems as if I could run across the dessert in a day
I seek mirages in my sleep
Counting my dreams like change in my pockets
A penny for your thoughts
At a dollar a minute
I muster two cents for an answer
You would barted your soul I think
For just a taste of tomorrow, today
At what price though
That your time layered in the stratosphere
Would be shaved just a little thinner
The angels would scoff at such
One day though I shall make them laugh
I have guardians
They all have wings
Yet between the six of us
Only two hands
So I must fold my days and tuck them away
Some days, they smell like warm summer
They feel like comfort of the sun on my face
Others are a deep, dark fabric
Woven with a sturdy mind and threaded with little pieces of spite
Yet every now, or now and again
I pack up a little trinket of today
It tastes like fresh air on the first day of a hopeful spring
With just a little bit of rain
Washing away the worries of the world
Oh that I could cling to this
But as I love her
I let her go
Lexie Jun 2016
there are so many kinds of love
which of them do I deserve
how many days do I get
as a slave, to serve

this many nights
to prepare to fall apart
so many days to try
beating without a heart

which of these lies
do you hold most dear
could you give them up
so you could sleep here

fingertips apart from you
as you lay in the ground
you reached up to me
I would not fall down

could you blame me
for the heart you ******
the drugs you bled
you have not atoned

louder than your lies
I scream about the night
wishing to flood your eyes
with tears of light

poison in my flesh
at the end of a blade
all the cards dealt
but this last *****

if you breathed me in
it would be your last
today is over
the night does not pass

Hell! Hell! Hell!
I see it in my mind
demons writhing alive
inside of my spine

every kiss to my hand
like a claim upon my soul
every piece taken
a lesser part of a whole

this is death
and it is so cold
like the ice in my heart
in to it I fold

how an ending is made
from the dying of the stars
so distant they looked
a lie to think they are far

it pierced my face
and sunk into my dreams
as dark as it was
it broke the seams

to fall apart
ripped to shreds
by the night
in mine own head

how can I save you!
when I am but a shell
to drag you down
to where I dwell

so much further
have I yet to fall
you cry to come
and I cry all

and oh the wretch
that I have become
all my threads
have come undone
Lexie Nov 2022
Come home with me
Back to the woods
To the village
To the house
On the side of the hill
To the sound of the birds
After the silent screams
To the snow falling
To the ground where it settles

I hope you see why I love it
I hope you see why I left
Lexie Aug 2020
I do not hold
The healing of time
As an absolute truth
It is the echoes of trauma
That still ring
So steadily in my ears
The beginning of my undoing
Is awakening again
It is not in my nature
To give up
Yet I am nearly gone
Will you too forget me?
Lexie May 2018
Stop worrying about who's going go visit your grave
You're not in it yet
There is time between now and then for a million things to change
Lexie Oct 2018
To hold hands with your mind
As time gave a kiss to your cheek
Even the beginning of the end of the world
It's just
-so cold
Yet we don't try to light fires
We just
-break hearts
Break ourselves
And try to walk around with casts around our chests
And gauze falling out our ears
Because people say things that make our eyes cry
But oh do they make our minds weep
-and wail
Somehow through all of this
-this everything
The "so much"
We are just so ****** empty
-so ******
So so empty
It eats us out from the core
To the husk of our words
Biting into the back of our throat
Just to get
- a taste
Of soul

Having a soul
And acting so ******* soulless
That's your favorite pastime
It really does
- pass time
Unfortunately its past time

My feet will walk me through the iron wrought gates
I'll lay in my own grave
My desperation lowering me into the earth


Something to claim me
-hold me
It won't let go
Lexie May 2018
This is the situation
How many feet under
Whether water or earth
The undoing of birth
All these threads

Snip, go the scissors of the fates
I seem them now, the dogs at the gates
Lexie May 2018
Such I have become
The Darkness
That which I feared most
She is warmer than I anticipated
Or maybe such a soul as mine has cooled
Between earth
And the dying of the stars
The heat lingers in my belly
But I do not feel it in this coffin skin
Sleep will come, and not to soon
Sleep will come, but not to late

Sleep is here, I am at the gate
Lexie Oct 2015
I didn't know gravity could be so painful

It pulls me to earth

And none reach to lift me up

The books and words

Weigh down my back

And I cannot resist

This heavy atmosphere

I am not Newton's apple

Not even an apple

I am green

New to this world

But it pulls me so close

So tight

But it is suffocating
Lexie Sep 2020
The creative mind can be strange place
You can create the most captivating beauty
And the darkest monsters imaginable
Lexie Oct 2015
did you know
if you cut
a single triangle into the wall
and you push through
the drywall and siding
you can see the sun so blinding
and the grass so green
you thought if this is a different world
you think it's not meant for me
but this world
on the other side
has no more secrets
you won't have to hide

the leaves on your side
of the wall of Eyes
are different
they are shy leaves
much to dull
they have a shine
but they never will show
beauty extorted
beauty unclaimed
they dare not sparkle
or be pluck in vain

in this new world
the leaves are honest
they show each pigment
with a laugh
and bleed beautiful colors
that promise to last

so cut the triangle
slice through the wall
before the beautiful colors fall
catch each leaf
with a glint in your eye
for these are true colors
they never will die

you must come
to know them now
don't ask questions
you don't need to know how
kiss in green
and a laugh of light
send you away
into the night

follow the trail
of the heart shaped leaves
if you find my home
don't ever leave
I give you these colors
to have and to own
so in the dark
you won't be alone

an escape
and a journey
a place
you don't have to earn

a citizen of Home
in the garden of life
and in this place
there is not strife
just kisses of sunlight
to keep you warm
into this last night
Lexie Sep 2014
There once was a girl
And she made herself a shell
Wound tight around her body
And she met someone she loved so much
He was her fuse
He kept her in his arms
Not in his pocket or in his drawer
But close to his heart
Where no one could tamper with her

There once was a girl
Who lost her mind
And she lost her fuse
And blew into a million tiny pieces
The shrapnel bit into her skin
Into her heart and the pain was to much
But a boy came along
Than looked like a man
He had a heart big enough for two
Like a jar to hold the broken
He kept her together
And he said he would never let go

There once was a girl
Who found peace after pain
Even though she knew
She could never be the same
She lost her shell
But found her life
And now she lives
A beautiful life
Lexie Jul 2019
I grieve
For myself
The love I lost
When I let
My shadow go
Lexie May 2018
how much of my guilt do I owe the dead
Lexie Nov 2022
I feel you
Like the sweet relief of pain
When you have been numb
For so long
Lexie Feb 2014
Do you really understand my words
What can I say that is not twisted truth

The flowers spurt forth from the ground
But they do not burst into bloom in one day

They will grow slowly and then before my eyes
The colors they will spread and create a lovely head

The leaves that float are dying now
The gracefully fall from bows above

Blown by God's breath so sweet and soft
Carrying promises high and aloft

We wait on your timing oh clock of the world
We wait for your voice we want to hear your word

I am small like a grain of sand
I cannot stand without your hand

I fall and am embraced by cold dark earth
Huddled in a silent berth
Lexie Dec 2017
If I cannot grow old with you
Then can I stay young forever
For a life without you
Is not the life I can live
Lexie Oct 2018
To be who you are now
Is to know who you were then
And find no shame in either
For life is not made of guilt
Only the lessons found in remembrance
Lexie Aug 2020
I watched the glory of youth rippen
Meekly searching
For a young one
I thought I knew
I loved you then
Strange you seem to chasm eyes
Though no stronger
How fair
The lengthening of patience
And spine
Over the bridge, and with time
Plough through the fields
Of my doubting soul
The leaves of my midsummer mask
Crunch against the hand of time
Dawn has come
And I hasten to adore
The gentle glory of your awakening
Kindness and depths in your eyes
Deeper than before
Lexie Oct 2018
The angels are dripping gold from the sky
Shudders of timelessness resonating in the earth
The beat of wings at the foot of the eternal
Cold marbel beneath my tread
I kneel
This is awe
This is wonder
I have come undone
A thousands thoughts
Yet not one voiced
The choir fulfills the longing of my soul
The dreams I dreamt asleep
Hold no flicker of light to this euphoria I find awakened
I hide my face
I am not worthy
Still blessed through the length of my days
Wings covering me
But not my own
I am not my own
I am breathless
But find no complaint
My eyes drip silver
A metal moment
Nickel plated hands
Hush my cry
I grit my teeth
Like gravel beneath a heavy tread
Oh simple one
You have stars in your eyes
And I will never wake
Lexie Oct 2018
I look to you
As my guiding light
As if
You were the only star in the sky
Lexie Apr 2019
Wisdom is nothing when your lips part without regret
Lexie Dec 2021
I know you did horrible things to my body
Before you killed me
Why do you ask my ghost to comfort you
Have you not burdened my soul enough
We are all afraid of being understood
Being known
Then we are powerless
We cannot play these games
If you **** the other players
Who is the winner
You would break me
Take my beautiful pieces
To complete yourself
They will rot in your body
With the stench of guilt
Odor of revenge
I do not exist
In relation to your hunger
I have shut you away
Before you would dare to consume me
I will not satiate
Will not sedate
Not stumble over my words
Unless mine is the last voice you hear
Lexie Oct 2014
gun rights for the responsible
not for the mentally insane
we just want our freedom
and not some idiots blame
it wasn't our choice
it was all inside his head
we still mourn those we lost
but freedom isn't dead
Lexie Jun 2015
Memory etched on a cage of pages
Though storms rise higher
And the ocean rages
And burns like wild fire

Emotions carved into chests of flesh
Open a solid oaken heart
Never let the beat rest
Eons of electricity to make it start

Souls of skies in darkened glass
Fogged beyond recognition
Like trying to drink grass
Is the way my eyes listen

Beyond today's vault
And yesterday's filing cabinet
Lies a raw un-denied fault
By a poet who dreams out of habit
Lexie Feb 2014
Hail silent ships sailing out to stormy waters
Hail frozen nights and your silent winds
Hail sleep so silent and powerful

Steady dreams born on masted vessels
Dreadful thoughts carried on the winds wings

Hail graves with graces in the light
Hail smoking fires guiding my night
Hail wind blown trees with golden leaves

Your steady hand holds my heart
The stance you form with feet apart

Hail silver wings that slice thin air
Hail crude whispers barely there
Hail you beings that walk this earth

Follow your call from humble berth
Travel sodden roads to find your worth

Oh silent days with much to remember
Oh willful force with rope to sever

Your eyes they watch my every move
With a heart strong to prove

Lets wings of fortune light my path
Lest I stand behind broken mast

I will hold on to this feeling
Even when the waves are reeling
Grip your strength
And find your courage

Hail to brave of heart
I trusted you from the start
Hail to you brave of heart
Play your part
Lexie Aug 2018
I walk barefoot
On the pads of my toes
Down cobblestone streets
This is North
She is cold
But welcoming

I carry
The bottom half of my heart
In my left hand
And the top half of my thoughts
In my right
My hands are full
My heart broken
And my thoughts in disarray
Come walk with me
And you will know the truth

I do not wear my heart
Upon my sleeve
But still it beats
In palm and chest alike
Would that I could
Shake your hand
And give you
My fondest memories
It is not such
And still I wander along
To find an angel
Who's chest
I can place my heart into
To find a sinner
To take these thoughts
But I am lost
Lost with no direction
Lexie Sep 2020
We fell apart
So long ago
It still feels
Like yesterday
I still feel
Sort of
Lexie Nov 2019
Love is
Where you let go of yourself
To catch the other person
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