I see regress in Mankind -
escaping through the backward tunnel of self inflicted destiny
Running rampant amongst the Judites, the elders too old to be alive
Printing cash coin empty of value ceaselessly into the empty abyss of night,
Oh, pity no fool for each man thinketh himself into action (reaction) -
So may the nightmares the souls of war suffer
torture the maniacal mind of these villans
and make them taste the blood of their fallen innocent prey -
Alas, history rules fate until history is let go of -
each day anew, yet strung together into eternal daylight bliss bang
Yes, and the fountains in the gardens soar higher than ever,
With peace in the ranks for conquering vibration
Lest say the suits then freedom shall be,
For the suits are the devil in disguise, selfish aliens of Mankind.
Never be nothing less than gold, they say harsh and bold
For the ones of dirt will be poor eternally, body after body -
So bow down to creation and civilization and rampant war supierors.
But the underground speaks loud, louder than air in silent transition from still movement
To an ever-evolving force of unpenetrable doubt beyond foresight or useless chaos,
The underground breathes heavy,
And exhales the toxic filth of first-world hedonistic pleasure domes of futuristic down-fall,
tasting the ****** drive of youthful generations seeking salvation from directionlessness,
And like rabbits, they take to their naked truth of love and lust,
and they bring forth a dissilution of boundaries -
They divide the seperateness of "You" and "I" into a unified personification of God called "We" -
As in "We the people", and so freedom is never more than a lover away.