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Wizard - Caster
Forest - Dweller
Mountain - Trekker
Dragon - Slayer
Priestess - Curer
Damsel - Dreamer
Hostage - Tracker
Pendant - Stealer
©️ 2021 Joshua Reece Wylie. All rights reserved.

Inspired by fantasy
Daniel Regan Mar 2014
Stand firm young explorer, our reality is before your eyes. The path of least resistance comes and goes with the reading of the signs. Do not reach beyond their grasp dear astronaut, for you can only hold what you must. And your disinclined stance may start to sway, towards a book of spiritual trust. A compass of lost translation, which has been tattered by the evolution of our time. Sown together by imperfect hands and tongues, of the righteously divine.  Or instead you stumble towards numbered texts and the collection of mans thoughts. Classified, organized, and defined in complex logical knots. A thorn bush of intricate perceptions of our multifaceted human condition, subjected to nothing more than our screaming birth and our timely decomposition. But fear not my naive trekker, for the decision is yours to hold. Either with nail in hand or the hammer made ready, may your heart be ever so bold. And though the philosophical plates of these worlds seem to diverge from once connected fates, the heavens you come to find as a result may be behind different gates. Only you hold the key to open your ever changing mind, one carved by humble carpenter hand or molded by mankind. So step lively youthful sailor for the winds are at your back, and the house from which you build your truth comes of brick or with cross-bared plaque. Worry not of your inaction little voyager, for the world will not react. The world remains in constant motion, and will force you to interact. Whether several days of creation must pass or a bang of creative juice, it is you who must chose to dive in the water or walk above man’s made truth. So good luck my inexperienced hiker as the waves of decision roll in. May the solace you find in the choices you make be without regrettable sin. I pray the stars you look to at night point you toward your goal, and that you find a balanced understanding of the earth and your spiritual soul.
jacob charles Oct 2020
Where my mind takes me
By the hand
But it guides the hand
Let’s dance together
Let’s moonwalk under the Son
Brainstorm one weather
White skin, worn leather
Bipolar and skull pressure
Mind is we never knew it and will never get rid of it...
Pleasure was needy gave needy pleasure
White wasn’t fair now it’s redder
Black and white even checkers no double decker
Ask spock if he’s a trekky or trekker then measure
Mariya Sidi May 2017
I've been through this before
But Its ok i know i will endure
I've walked through it over and over
I've created a worn footpath like a constant trekker
With my eyes closed i can navigate the heartache
I know when the pain will overtake
I know precisely when my chest will burn
Exactly when the tears will return
But i'm now excellent at stifling the sobs
I know the perfect position to curl up and stop the throbs
I am perfect at stretching my lips into that smile
The precise tone of 'i'm OK' always in line
More than that i now know how to overcome
Because my love is way to strong to be undone
My roots run deep
That ordinary storms now can't rip
Sand storms don't scare me
I'm no spring rose you see
I'm a dessert ****
Come rain come shine i'll always keep
Daan May 2019
Laat je vallen, dompel onder,
wacht niet langer, leef gezonder
of zit zonder zoals een
zanger met een wranger
gevoel, een nasmaak,
een trekker en een smoel.

Geniet zolang het kan
want later ben je man.

Het officiële lijkt ver weg
maar met een beetje pech
is die weg kort en begint het
wanneer je morgen wakker wordt.
Pennilessness disallows me
     luxury tubby globe trekker
hence, my imagination
     takes me random places minus
     the hassles of
     any rubber necker
gawkers always staring
     at major or minor

     crash test dummy
     vehicular accident,
     (now strictly, squarely,
     and specifically,
     for poetic license purposes
     of this reasonably
     rhyming adversity
     I dreamt up, while

     driving Miss Daisy, this
     "FAKE" serious, albeit
     totally tubularly
     fictitious **...
     **...humvee wrecker
involving holiday passengers
     seated in luxury
     of double decker

self driving bus,
     which collided with a sleigh
     carelessly manned by Santa Clause
(though no animals i.e. reindeer
     harmed in the writing
     of this video script)
     donned in his
     New England Patriot

     Scottish Tartan checker,
thus the aforementioned,
     non fatal narrow brush you
need rest assured, sans
     make believe death - whew
fortunately miraculously,
     and unbelievably true
lee delivered angels

     intervened clear
     out of the blue
mainly conjured from
     me matt chew,
hoping ye dear reader enjoy
     what I figuratively drew
merely to distract thee

     dearly especial fan
     to sidetrack vital tasks and brew
up a mug of warm
     spirits from a moo moo
kosher bovine amazingly
     able to understand Hebrew.
Ryan O'Leary Sep 2023

    He's not a wayfaring tourist explorer

        Nor a rambling ranger nor rover

   He's not a trekker nor tinker nor hiker

      Nor a vagabond journeyman biker

  He's not a tramper nor migrant itinerant

    Nor a gypsy nor nomad nor immigrant

He's not a moseying vagrant commuter              

     Nor a sightseeing pilgrim vamooser    

He's not a laggard nor hobo meandering                                

   Nor a Romany rolling-stone wandering

   He's not a runaway refugee absconder

       Nor a transient gallivanting yonder

   He's not a truancy drifter out travelling

      Nor a lingering loiterer just ambling   

He's not an outback on walkabout saunter                

         Nor a pilot nor mariner nor jaunter    

He's not a trudger nor slogging globetrotter

Nor an excursionist nor an ushers escorter

   He’s not a slob nor plodding backpacker                        

  Nor gatecrasher barnstormer nor slacker

He's not a fugitive nor traipser nor stroller

      He's Quixote and yes he’s bi-polar.
Sometimes Starr Jun 2023
You're a stone like the moon
Mottled with fated freckles
Nestled in her hand, feeling the vibrations of an alien language

We're talking about what an idiot you are.
Foggy mornings, lost in thought
Pizza and ranch dressing for breakfast.
Pajama pants, dewy grass
The cream and sugar coffee palette bath,

The wide plane of stratus drifting overhead
Like the biggest, silliest hat in the universe.

You're an ape wearing fuzzy socks.
And you're best friends with a dog.
You're a polyp lost in a storm of thoughts.
You're a garden full of moss.

You're a dreamer with a purpose.
You're a singer in a band.
You're a trekker on a journey,
You're a stone inside my hand.

— The End —