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Jane Tricky Apr 2013
sometimes i feel like a citrus
lemon, orange, lime, or grapefruit
fragrant and flavorful
my insides bitter or sweet
and my outsides the exact opposite
high quantities of acid regardless
eat me raw
press my juice, i make a great 'ade
you may also preserve me in a marmalade

sometimes i feel like an apple
do not call me a crab tho
a globose pome
my outside has smooth shiny skin
my inside is sweet or **** yet soft
my centre contains seeds arranged in a star-like manner
i make great pies
but i also pair great with cheese
my versatility allows me to please

sometimes i feel like grape
growing from the woody vines
my flexibility is far and wide
raisins, vinegar, oil, and wines
i prefer to remain in a cluster of friends
im afraid to venture out
because i need them to sustain

sometimes i feel like anything other than me
i am tired of looking in the mirror
i have grown weary of what i see
so i pick flora and fauna
inanimate objects
weather and time
space and place
to rectify my existence
in some way that i can relate

at least when i list fruit
my belly aches with delight
personification is such a sweet treat
ARR Nov 2010
tooty fruity on rudy.
          rudy is a prostitoot.
                    tooty fruity is a *** act.
tooty fruity all over rudy.
William Clifton Mar 2018
[Shake Your *****, by KC and the Sunshine Band]

Oklahomans, get out doors, last chance
Scott Pruitt's leaving, no backward glance

Shake shake shake, shake shake shake
Frac your *****, frac your *****
Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake
Frac your *****, frac your *****

Oh, you have frac-ed for oil quite ah spell
You have messed up your world.  What the hell

Oh, now you shake, shake shake shake
Fractured *****, fractured *****
Oh, shake shake shake, shake shake shake
Water's sooty, smells pah-tooty, oh yeah

Oh, shake shake, shake shake
Oh, shake shake, shake shake

Oh, Daily shake, Big mistake
Frac your *****, frac your *****
Oh, across your state, Big earthquakes
Frac your *****, All's Kaput-ee!
Chuck May 2013
There's a Quazooy on the loosey!
In my roomy there is. No fooey.
No fooey a Quazooy, loosey, really?
What's the Quazooy do-y?
Silly Quazooy dancey on deskies.
Dancey, Nancy, fancy pantsies!

Quazooy, want somey Tutti fruity?
Snooty Quazooy no eaty fruity.
What do-y Quazooy wanty?
"No eaty," said droopy Quazooy.
Quazooy sicky? Have the fluy?

"Quazooy no more fancy Dancey.
Quazooey needy tummy rubby."
Awe-y, cutie Quazooy no more dancey,
no eaty fruity, likey tummy rubby.
Now Quazooey tummy grumbly,
Facey lookies redy and crumbly.

Few wee! Quazooey now I knowy!
No more desky fancy dacey,
Not Tutti fruity, 'cause youy
wenty tooty in your pantsies!
Now Quazooy once morey dancey.
Fancy Nacey pantsy dancey.
Luvy Quazooy nowy not ooyie!
This is a children's poem written in Dr. Seuss style. It needs work. Open to suggesties!!!
Purcy Flaherty Feb 2018
Toffee suckers, lollipops; lick my lively Lemon drops.
Exotic fruits to tempt your tongue, sweet sugar, honey all night long;

You can **** on a candy cane and chase those blues away.
Or you can stick it in your pocket; or a save it for a rainy day.

Yes I sell ~

Salty lovers, cherry lips, tooty fruity, barely twists, to fill the mouth and fill the legs with pink & candy apple red.

You can **** on a candy cane and chase those blues away.
Or you can stick it in your pocket; or a save it for a rainy day.

Song link
back street sweet shop
Song link
Thursday..another diary entry.

I did not choose this,
I want to lose this but it seems like I'm stuck and I don't give a, doesn't life **** like a tooty fruit lollypop, and how do you stop when you've started?
I want to begin on the bottle of gin,but it's empty,still tempts me,with a bottle of grappa,could start again as a rapper and not have a crap day like today.

If you work like a horse all they'll feed you is hay and there's no one to say take a break,have a smoke,this life is a joke,
but I'm a big bloke,take it all on the chin,still want to begin
on the gin.
I can't win.
some days are weeks.
Sunrises and lemon juice
Sunsets and tooty fruits
When life gives you lemons, drink their juice
When life gives you fruits, relish the juicy fruits.

Heart gets broken.
And tears flow with all words unspoken
Sunrises and sunsets are simply the signs and tokens
To stitch your pieces and create an embroidery from the heartbroken.

Life goes on. No matter what life offers on the shelf,
Just be a champ and believe in yourself!
Blakbuttafly89 May 2018
I raced and ran to get u
from crack homes and bad situations
just so u could see your young reflection starring down
when u look at me and I would be worth it
my life was already written in the sands of time
what could I have possible done to deserve this  
I watched quietly as he beat ya ***
but never towards him did u get mad no HE never made u sad
so U left me again....
left me while I was young bruised and sad
and at one point of time I had a great father those memories made my heart cheerful and glad
and I believe when u looked at me u seen the dream of my father some u could never have.... I can’t lie my memories of you aren’t all bad
years later
I could never be mad at you....
your my mother I love you
so as I lay my head next to your frail body on this hospital bed dying of this endless disease Cancer
I admit to myself first that for a lot of years I was mad at you for leaving me at the hands
of anyone else but you which cause me to end up damaged
so a small slither part of me believe u kinda deserve this
but when I looked into your now lifeless eyes I saw a Queen again like as if it was the first time I open my eyes to you.... I still remember what ur almost lifeless body could utter... babygirl stop chasing me I lived in my misery gracefully I left u alone many times so my loving embrace you could not feel your future won’t be mine for ur broken heart is the only one you need to heal my love for you will never die with my body for when I look at you I know God’s Grace was Real....
U never forgot my birthday so when 29 came and from you a happy birthday I did not hear I knew it was for real ...
so for Mother’s Day this poem I reveal
in hopes that this broken piece in me would heal

luv always ur Blakbuttafly,

— The End —